Chapter 26: Calm Before The Storm

The cold steel muzzle of Layla's gun pressed against Terry's face. Terry didn't dare to breathe. The cold stare of Layla's eyes was enough to scare a full grown tiger.

"Layla! What are you doing??" scrutinized Zane.

"Hey! What is this? We came here to help you!" declared Clement in shock.

Layla pressed the gun deeper into the face of Terry, "I don't trust these guys... My instincts are telling me they're up to something Zane."

Zane did a double-take between Layla and Clement. He needed to calm things down before they escalated any further.

"Layla look, we need their help and they are offering to help us. Look at the condition of Nick and Almarie. Look at how badly you're hurt. We need whatever help we can get."

"Zane, what is your intuition telling you right now? Are you getting that awful feeling like usual?"

Zane swallowed as he looked back at Clement one last time. Clement's expression was not a very pleased one. Zane could feel an intense anxiety develop within him. His intuition was definitely trying to tell him something but what was it?

"Layla, yes my intuition has been going through the roof this entire time, but I can't say for sure it's because of these guys. Ever since the Apocrypha began to give chase to us, I felt that something bad was going to happen. That feeling hasn't left me even now, but please Layla, we need the help from these guys."

Layla felt tempestuous. The help was definitely needed but was it really a good idea to go along with these strangers? She moved her smoky grey eyes over to Serenity who was trembling in disquietude.

"Serenity? What do you think?"

"I-I-I don't know... We do need the help but I think we should get more information about who these guys are first..."

Layla hissed rudely as she carefully removed her gun from Terry's head. Terry jumped back in fear of his life running over to Clement.

"Why the hell would you do that to someone who's trying to help you??" screamed Terry.

"Hey, it's okay Terry. Given the circumstances it's understandable-" Clement paused as he turned to face Layla. "You're free to ask us anything you like. We won't hold this against you, I promise on my life."

Layla hardened the intensity of her stare as if she was looking into Clement's soul. Clement flinched as his eyes met hers.

"Who are you people and where do you plan on taking us? Can we even guarantee you're both not Apocrypha in disguise?"

Clement stepped forward in a reassuring manner, "I'm Clement and my friend over there is Terry. We live not too far from here in the small town of Ellijay."

"Ellijay? Isn't it dangerous living in towns?"

"It normally is but we have some very feisty townsfolk down there that will do anything to keep Apocrypha out. We barricade ourselves in and got people surveilling the area 24 hours a day. So far, nothing has got in and we've got plenty of resources to keep us going for months."

Layla gave Clement a very suspicious look. A town completely secured from Apocrypha? A species that is deemed smarter and stronger than humans? She had to see something like that to believe it.

"Look Layla, I know it sounds a little too good to be true but I promise you we are doing a fine job. We got around three hundred people secured in the little town and we don't mind taking in any survivors."

"I don't believe it. I have to see it with my own two eyes first. It's either you're lying or you're exaggerating. It's not possible to keep Apocrypha out. Their technology and numbers are just too great. Especially for a mere three hundred people to take on."

"Why don't you come along and see for yourself then? You can all keep your weapons and supplies and we can walk in front the entire time. If you think we're lying then a bullet can be placed in our craniums. I'm that confident."

Serenity finally stepped forward out of her silence as she wanted to ask something she thought was of great importance. "Then Mr. Clement, why are you both out here in the forest? Wouldn't it be safer back at the town?"

Terry cleared his throat almost as if buying time for them to think of what to say, "Little girl, we like to help people so we were simply out here just in case we found any survivors. You can ask your friend Zane there because we saved him from the Apocrypha. Not to mention, if we were Apocrypha then we would have let them kill him. Right Zane?"

Zane nodded reluctantly, "Yeah... I guess"

Layla slowly walked over to Zane and put his arm over her shoulders to help support his injured legs.

"Zane, it's your call then. You met these guys and they helped you survive. As far as I'm concerned however, they haven't helped us in anyway. The only help we got was from you who almost sacrificed your life like an idiot. Frankly, I still don't trust them and I think we shouldn't go with them, but I'll leave this decision to you. What should we do?"

Zane was nervous and filled with anxiety. He hated being put on the spot to make big decisions. He slowly looked around on the unconscious bodies of Nick and Almarie. Layla was also hurt and Serenity was basically suffering from trauma at this point. They needed the help, not to mention some of their supplies were destroyed in the burning jeep.

"We go with them... but if we see anything that looks out of the norm then we leave. Okay?"

Layla sighed, "Was really hoping you would say we don't go at all. Watch this decision of yours get us all killed."

Zane was a little ticked off by Layla's words. If she was so adamant about not going then why did she just leave the decision to him? It was almost as if she didn't want to claim responsibility if something bad were to happen. Zane understood how she felt but he thought the way she structured her words was a little unnecessary. He slightly knitted his eyebrows as he gave Terry and Clement the go ahead.

"I'm glad you accepted our offer. I don't want to see you all get killed out here. You got any supplies?" inquired Terry.

"None of your business" cursed Layla bitterly.

"Fine, have it your way. Let us at least help you with Zane since he's injured."

"Back off... he's my concern not yours. Like I'm dumb enough to leave you with him to fill his head with your lies. You should be more considered about Nick and Almarie who are injured."

Terry gave a mirthless smile as he turned around to pick up the body of Nick and slump him over his shoulder. Clement slowly did the same with Almarie ensuring he didn't compromise her injured arm.

"Serenity, you can stay close to us if you like..." offered Zane softly.

"Yeah... that would make me a lot more comfortable"

Serenity quickly got the few supplies that had fallen from the jeep and placed them on her back. The only things that had survived were Nick's bag filled with canned food and Almarie's medical supply bag. She hurried over to join both Zane and Layla as it made her feel a lot more safe.

"Okay all, follow us and make sure to stay close. Apocrypha are possibly still in the area and we really don't need to run into them." explained Clement.

A silent agreement then took place as they walked off into the thick forest. They made sure to avoid the spot where the dead Apocrypha were. There were bound to be live ones cleaning up the bodies and they really didn't need to run into them.

The moisture of the air bashed against their faces. The wind was cool and smelled of wet grass. The atmosphere was filled with suspense but apart from that it seemed pretty peaceful. Constant noises of different birds and animals zooming through their ears and a small bit of sunlight starting to peep through the canopy above. The mud splattered and moved aside as they carefully walked through. Layla felt disgusted with herself as her hair was filled with leaves and mud.

"Ugh- If all of this really turns out to be true, the first thing I want is a nice clean bath... I'm filthy."

"You're complaining? Look at me? I'm basically mud man at this point." argued Zane.

Layla chuckled cutely as she used her thumb to wipe some of the mud away from Zane's cheek, "True, you need a bath too."

Serenity stared up at them awkwardly, "You aren't gonna do what I think you're gonna do right?"

For a moment Zane and Layla stared at Serenity in confusion until the meaning of her words hit them like a boulder.

"Wait!! No! I would never do that with Layla!"

Layla flicked her finger into Zane's forehead painfully, "What do you mean NEVER? Are you implying there's something wrong with me??"

Zane rubbed his bruised forehead in pain, "No! I didn't mean it like that I swear! I meant it as in- Ugh... It's hard to put into words..."

A slight frown made itself known on Layla's face as she increased her pace spitefully forcing Zane to put more pressure on his legs. "Hmph... Speak to me when you're boyfriend material."

"Ooh burn!" laughed Serenity.

"Come on! Layla I didn't mean it like that!"

Layla didn't answer as she liked the enjoyment of teasing Zane. The group continued through the thick forest with absolutely no Apocrypha confrontations. It was almost a miracle given the fact that up until halfway through their journey they heard continuous bellowing. Still, they weren't going to complain as that was something to be thankful for.

Finally after almost an hour of walking, Terry and Clement lead the group into the town of Ellijay. Half of the town seemed to have been closed off as if it was a quarantine zone. It was barricaded with high metal fences, cars, trucks, boulders and anything else that could be used as a means of keeping Apocrypha out. There were even a few wooden towers elevating almost a hundred feet off the ground with men equipped with snippers situated inside.

"See, what did I tell you? This place is as safe as it can get. Nothing gets pass these walls." declared Clement bravely.

Layla looked over at Zane one last time with a cautious look, "Zane? This is our last chance to turn around. Are we doing this?"

Zane put a stern look on his face as he thought about it. They needed the help and it would be a waste to pass up a chance that could potentially save their lives.

"Yeah, we're doing this."

Serenity moved closer to Zane holding his hand to make herself feel more comfortable. The anxiety and worry that emitted from them could give an elephant a heart attack.

Clement smiled happily as he knocked on a large metal door signaling one of the guards to let them in.

"It's Terry and Clement"

"Did you bring anyone?" answered a deep voice from behind the door.

"Yes, we saved five people from the forest."

A small rectangular peep hole then opened revealing a pair of dark brown eyes. The eyes looked at them intently as if making sure they weren't suspicious. The metallic doors then slowly opened letting them inside.

As they stepped through, they somewhat felt a bit of their anxiety fly away from them. The streets were completely modern with absolutely no signs of struggle or damage. The roads, houses and stores were all in perfect condition. There were even a few children and other people walking peacefully through the streets. If they didn't know better they would have thought it was just another normal day in human society. Zane and Serenity were stunned. They had never imagined and place like this to even still be standing. It was almost too good to be true.

"What did we tell ya? Gorgeous sight right?" laughed Terry.

"Wow... yeah for real... I'm sorry we doubted you guys. This place is amazing!" squealed Zane.

"It seems so normal and peaceful here... It's almost like a dream... I wish dad could see this." said Serenity softly.

"It's all good! We're glad to help anytime! I just hope you all can live a peaceful life here like everyone else. I mean that from the bottom of my heart!" said Clement warmly.

"Thanks, I really appreciate this."

"Well, you all should go get cleaned up. The day's just beginning but I'm sure you must be tired. Follow us, we'll show you a house you can stay at for the time being."

Zane and Serenity accepted happily as they were all lead towards a small house. It was grey and white and seemed big enough to hold the entire group. Zane looked over to Layla who had been extremely quiet the entire time. He placed his lips close to her ears and whispered softly;

"See? Everything's turned out okay."

To Zane's surprise, Layla frowned at him, "You really believe all of this Zane? How naïve can you be? I can even tell Serenity's just playing along right now cause she probably feels the same way I do."

"Wait... What are you talking about?"

"Zane look, don't you find it weird how neatly the walls are built? I mean they have a few cars and trucks to make it look more natural but it still seems off. They didn't even test our blood to ensure we weren't disguised Apocrypha. Why would a place this secure not take those important measures?"

Zane laughed, "Layla, you worry too much. Firstly, there are more than enough people here to build the walls this sturdy. Secondly, they prolly didn't test our blood because we're covered in it from our injuries, not to mention the sun is out so the Apocrypha wouldn't be able to bare it."

Layla pondered a bit before answering, "Fine, you do have a point but even so I'm not letting my guard down. I can tell this place isn't as secure as they make it to be."

Finally, they made their way up to the doorsteps of the house. Clement pressed the doorbell and awaited for someone to greet them. The door slowly opened to the view of an old lady. Her skin was wrinkled and she wore a sweet smile. Her hair was salt and pepper and she wore small glasses as if her vision was poor.

"So everyone, this is Miss Tiffany. She's the owner of the house and she will gladly take care of you for the time you stay here."

"Hello" greeted Miss Tiffany.

Serenity and Zane returned her greeting politely. Layla however, decided not to say anything.

"You can all come in. You're all very injured and need assistance. Please make yourself at home."

"First thing I need is a bathroom. I feel filthy so could you direct me to it please? I can treat my own wounds but you can take care of the others if you insist." stated Layla rudely.

"That's fine, please hurry on inside. I'll prepare a meal in the meantime too."

The group quickly let themselves inside. They were seemingly safe for the time being but what would happen with their next encounter?