Chapter 49: Zane's Pride And Downfall

The truck steamed with smoke. Patches of grass flattened from the path the damaged vehicle took before it came to a halt. Those on the inside could be in better shape. The two Rank 5 Chimera were approaching them to finish the job. Humanity's last hope of survival was right in the mouth of danger.

Zane shook his head of shaggy hair— groaning in pain. He now knew how it felt to be knocked around like a soccer ball. The crash had almost seriously injured him. Thankfully, all he received was a few cuts from broken splinters. He had some serious luck, whenever it came to surviving fatal crashes.

Layla was also mostly okay. The wound on her arm had reopened, but it wasn't severe.

"You okay?" questioned Zane.

"Yeah... We need to get out of here before those things get to us."

"Let's hurry."

They both forced themselves upwards. The sound of hooves pounding against the ground, quickly approaching them. The truck was turned on its side. If they wanted to escape, then their only choice would be to climb through the broken windshield.

Painfully, the two forced themselves through the broken windshield. A shard of glass grazing Zane's cheek as he squeezed himself through. Hastily, they both got themselves in hiding behind the truck. Layla was worried about the others, but she couldn't dare to give away their location. They were no match for the two Chimera in a battle of brawn.

"What are we going to do about the others?" queried Layla.

"We help them if possible, but if it puts us in danger, then we leave them behind."

Layla didn't know how to respond to Zane. It was the logical thing to do, but it was also very harsh. Before, Zane wouldn't even consider leaving someone behind. Now he was willing to if it meant saving himself. Layla hated how drastically he had changed.

"Zane... This is making me sound like the emotional one this time... But we should at least try."

"It doesn't matter. As long as one of us survives then humanity is saved. A few sacrifices to keep one of us alive isn't that much of a big deal."

Layla restrained herself from hitting him out of frustration. Was he not realizing how hypocritical he sounded?

"What the hell are you talking about?? A few minutes ago, weren't you the one talking about how you would do anything to protect us..? Don't you realize just how contradicting you sound right now?"

Zane placed his hand on his face as if he was suddenly having a headache. He wrinkled his face in distress, trying to soothe his pain.

"That's... That's— I meant if they could be saved. If there's nothing we can do, then it all makes no sense for us to try."

Layla bit her lip in frustration. Her eyes hiding a sea of worry. She however wasn't about to start an argument at a time like this. She was willing to at least try to help the others before abandoning them.

"At least help me search for an opening..."

Zane pondered for a short moment. He needed to consider the pros and cons before he decided. There was Anastasia, an Apocrypha that was willing to help them. Her help had proven to be extremely beneficial so far. Zane would hate to lose that. Not to mention he had come up with another plan. He would need the help of the others to pull it off.

"Okay. I'll help. My plans will surely require their help. It would be best to take the risk so that I can make use of them later."

Layla hissed as she moved away to check on the others. She carefully shoved her head behind the truck to get a better view. Immediately, her eyes caught onto a trail of blood, painting the grass red. Her heart thumped against her chest. It was evident that someone had at least been seriously injured. She also noticed that the two Chimera had stopped moving. She used her eyes to trace the source of blood to where the Chimera stood.

Layla wanted to vomit. She wished she could cleanse her eyes from the images that now haunted them. Her eyes had met upon the lifeless body of Tyrone. Two of his limbs were completely severed, leaving a pool of blood where he laid. It seemed that during the crash, he had been thrown out of the truck, which resulted in the force completely ripping him to pieces. His rifle was also thrown from the truck— now lying right next to a severed arm.

The two Chimeras picked up the pieces of his body and began feasting on him like fried chicken. Even though Layla felt horrible, she knew this was the perfect opportunity to get the others. She had to hurry before the Chimera came at them.

"Get the others. I'll get Tyrone's gun." suddenly ordered Zane.

"The gun is right in front of them! They'll notice us, Zane! It's crazy!"

"We need the gun, Layla. Besides, they know we're hiding. They're just waiting for us to make our move before they attack. Remember, these things can be cautious like that."

"Even so... It's ridiculous for you to go out there... They'll murder you!"

"I'll be fine. Just hurry and get the others."

Layla took one last look at Zane, before reluctantly entering the back of the truck to find the others. Everyone was present. They huddled up in a corner afraid to move. Even Anastasia seemed afraid, which was for good reason. If those two Chimeras were Rank 5, then she stood no chance against them.

"Layla!" called Serenity, happy that she was okay.

"Hey. We really need to get going. Like right now."

"What about the two Chimera..? There's no way we can take them on..." muttered Anastasia.

A look of worry washed over Layla's face, making it evident she didn't have a real plan.

"Zane's basically going to distract them for us..."

"What?? That's ridiculous! They'll kill him!" cursed Nick.

"And you just let him go?? Why would you do that, Layla??" also reprimanded, Serenity.

"H-He said he would be fine... Look, I know that I should have stopped him, but he was dead set on going anyway. An argument would just take up time. Just like what's happening now. We should go."

Deandre then stepped forward. A look of distress in his eyes. He seemed on the verge of breaking down into tears.

"Layla... Just one question before we go... Is Tyrone... dead..?" his voice as brittle as a dried leaf.

Layla answered him with silence. A look of sorrow making friends with her face. Her expression told him everything.

"Ha... Great! First Hazel and now Tyrone... The two persons I've grown accustomed to over the past few days are now dead... Just spectacular!" His voice was filled with sarcasm. The pain was ravaging his soul to pieces.

"I'm sorry, Deandre... This is just how things are at the moment... But for now, we have to get out of here." sympathized Layla.

Deandre shook his head dimly as he prepared to leave. The others doing the same in a hurry. They all then made their way out of the truck. Instantly, their eyes met Zane, who was carefully approaching the gun. It was a miracle that he hadn't been spotted by the Chimera.

Suddenly, one of the Chimera let loose a powerful roar. Its eyes laid upon Zane. Fury burning within its eyes. Wasting no time, one of the Chimera jumped towards Zane, aiming to crush him with its hooves. Zane dived towards the gun, rolling himself out of danger's way. The Chimera's steel-like hooves barely missing his head.

"Shit!" he cursed trying to runaway. He signaled to the others to hurry and get away before they were seen.

"Run! I'll be right behind you!"

They did as they were told. They ran through the pelting sun, using the overturned truck to keep themselves hidden. Anastasia was however quickly melting. Her skin peeled away and blood made its way up to the surface. The pain was equal to being stung by a thousand honey bees every second. To make it worse, they were out in an open area. There was nothing but grass as far as the eye could see. The only shade was a small oak tree not too far in front of them. There was however no time to stop for a break. She had to keep running in the hope of not dying.

On the other hand, Zane was finding it difficult to escape the Chimera. He dived behind the damaged truck, but his cover lasted only a few seconds before the Chimera pounced into it. The truck was sent flying, almost crushing him in the process.

"Tiny human! You dare to challenge a Rank 5 Chimera?? DIE!!" boomed one of the Chimera.

Zane had to rely on his reflexes. He jumped out of the way from another massive attack. The ground rumbling from its ferocity. Zane landed flat on his back— pointing his rifle upwards. The Chimera turned towards Zane, roaring with rage. However, he was completely silenced as a bullet went straight through its forehead. Its body fell to the ground with a heavy thud, instantly dying on the spot.

Zane smirked feeling prideful. He had killed a Rank 5 Chimera all by himself.

"Dumb Chimera! This is the power of a human!" he boasted feeling proud. This was part of the reason he had told Layla he wanted to distract the Chimera alone. He wanted to feel like a God, killing the Chimera's all by himself. He wanted to drive fear into his enemies and be exalted as the one who would destroy everything he disapproved of. This was the sad mentality he had developed. He laughed as the feeling of pride washed over him.

This however proved to be his mistake. The time he had taken to celebrate, was the moment he should have prepared to run. His eyes looked up to see the second Chimera jumping at him in rage. Before Zane could even react, he felt his right arm snap like a twig. Blood gushed from it like a river and the white of the bone protruded from below his skin. The Chimera's hoof, stomping down into his arm with brute force.

Zane wailed in agony. His voice reaching the highest pitch possible. The pain crippling his body, even forcing him to release the gun.

"You insolent human! I shall make you suffer before I kill you! I will break your limbs one-by-one, then take my time tearing them from your body! Your death will not be pleasant!!" boomed the Chimera angrily.

Zane was sure he was dead. There was nothing he could do, nor anyone who could help him. The others were now running back towards him, but they were much too far away to make it in time.

Zane's memories began flashing before his eyes. Was it because he was about to die? He remembered his family and the day the world ended. He remembered his friends and how unfairly some of them had died. He remembered all the innocent people who had been killed.

Maybe this was karma for the human race. Humans had squandered all their resources. They had taken everything they had for granted. They cared for nothing other than themselves, always seeking to be superior. Zane realized that he had made a very big mistake. He still wasn't thinking with his head. He was acting on impulse. His emotions still dictated him. He just forced himself to think that wasn't the case.

He had attacked two Rank 5 Chimera all by himself. Who did he think he was? Was he just doing it to make himself feel better? It was truly pathetic. Instead of growing, he had shrunk. And now it had cost him an arm— possibly even his life. Yet, he couldn't accept such a death. Not in such a pathetic way. As weak and dumb as he truly was, he knew he still had to grow. He was no more than another hypocritical human.

He still had one option left. He remembered what had happened back in Fernbank Forest. That day, he had taken a metal bracelet from one of the Rank 1 Apocrypha. He had been carrying it around with him the entire time. For some reason, not even the townsfolk back in Ellijay had taken it from him.

Hastily, Zane flung his left arm into his pocket. The bracelet was still there. He pulled it out and aimed it at the leg of the Chimera. He didn't know if it would work on a Chimera, but it was his only choice. The bracelet clanked around its leg. The Chimera released a holler as its body quickly shut down.

It fell to the ground with a huge thud, almost crushing Zane in the process. Zane breathed heavily. His eyes fixated on the unconscious Chimera beside him. He however couldn't rejoice. The pain in his right arm struck him like a bolt of lightning. His body became numb and his vision went blurry. Slowly, the pain rendered him unconscious.

He was now drowning in a sea of pain and uncertainty.