Chapter 58: The Simpsons

Just when everyone thought it couldn't get any creepier, they laid their eyes upon a bloodied cross. The cross was situated in the yard alongside the creepy house. On the cross, was nailed a live sheep. Blood protruded from its hooves— staining its white wool. Its feet tore away from its body due to the forced position it was in, resulting in a scene that was hard to watch. It gave small, pitiful cries as if pleading for help. Its voice was brittle and sounded as if it was in the final stages of its life. Under the cross, was a bucket collecting the sheep's blood. For what reason? No one knew.

The group shivered in their skin. They were desperate for a place to stay, but was such a place ideal for them? Not to mention, someone had to be living there for these weird events to be taking place.

"I don't know if this is a good idea... This place gives me the creeps!" exclaimed Serenity.

"I know, man! We can prevent a horror movie if you just listen to me, man! Something's not right with this place!" supported Lamar.

Layla turned her head towards Zane. The blood returning to his feet was finally making it possible for him to walk again. She needed to know what he thought of the situation.

"Zane, what's your intuition telling you?" she asked.

Zane's face wrinkled as he buried himself in thought. His intuition gave him a slight tingling feeling, but he didn't know what to make of it. It wasn't asserting danger, but it also wasn't asserting safety either. It was a gamble. They needed a safe place to camp out until the Apocrabile was fully charged.

Zane averted his eyes to the sky. A bluish-pink was now climbing over the horizon. The sun would soon come out to play. Taking Anastasia into consideration, there was no way they could stay outdoors. Zane considered taking shade underneath a tree, but that would leave them open to Apocravirus particles. Their best bet was really to take cover inside the house.

"For now, we've got to try the house. It's our best bet."

"I mean, we could always just stick around the Apocrabile, couldn't we?" Inquired Nick.

"That's true, but I'm sure everyone here is hungry. We need to scout for food while we rest. Staying in the Apocrabile won't bring us food."

"Oh... yeah, you've got a point..."

Nothing more was said. The group carefully marched towards the entrance of the yard. The gate was of average height, supported by two columns on each side. On the top of each column, were human skulls painted in the color black. Whether or not the skulls were genuine, no one wanted to know.

"Hello..? Anyone home..?" called Nick— removing the safety from the rifle.

Silence answered them. The only thing to be heard was the flirting of the wind. A chilling cold wrapped itself around their skins— goosebumps celebrating all over their bodies. Whether or not it was from the cold air or the creepy vibe that emitted from the house, they were uncertain.

Slowly, they pushed the gate open, letting themselves in. The sheep they had seen before was now dead. Its head hung over its chest with its eyes half-closed. As much as they hated it, they had to move forward. They hoped that the house contained some type of food. Hunger was damaging their stomachs.

"Hello!" suddenly called an unknown voice.

Everyone looked forward with fear in their eyes. It was a miracle they didn't let out a scream. Just in front of them, at the entrance to the house was an old couple. It almost seemed as if they appeared out of thin air.

"Can we help you?" kindly asked the old lady. Her voice was sweet and her eyes were a dull-blue. Her salt-and-pepper-colored hair was tied back neatly in a bun and she wore a black gown that swept the dirt beneath her feet.

"Um— Hello... Sorry, we didn't think anyone lived here..." lied Zane.

"That's fine, young lad. Do you need help with anything?" asked the old man. His hair was the same color as the old lady's. His dull-blue eyes blinked constantly as if he had trouble seeing. His slim body was covered by baggy trousers and a baggy plaid shirt.

"Well, we were just looking for a place to stay for the day..."

"Oh! We would be delighted to have some guests over! We haven't had guests in years!" squealed the old lady.

"Yo, man! I don't know bout that! Side characters always die in horror movies, yo! Rasta gonna die if we go with them, man!" exclaimed Lamar.

The old lady chuckled at Lamar's words, "We insist you come inside! Those strange creatures like to venture around here a lot."

Zane looked over to Anastasia. He had to play it safe, even if it seemed disrespectful.

"Can you clarify they aren't Apocrypha?"

"No... They don't seem like Apocrypha. Unless they're Rank 5s, they're definitely human." replied Anastasia.

Zane then turned his head back towards the old couple. He didn't trust them. The environment was much too creepy. There had to be something at least a little off. Something his intuition was trying to tell him.

"Okay, we're a little hungry. Do you have anything we can eat?"

"Of course! Come on right in! We were just cooking dinner when you showed up!" answered the old lady.

Layla then stepped forward with a slightly serious expression across her face. She had to clarify something before they went inside.

"Why are there so many dolls nailed to the fence back there?" she asked. "It doesn't seem normal. I know certain things like witchcraft exist. Not trying to accuse you, but I'd rather play it safe."

"Finally, you see Layla! This is a horror movie and we the victims, man! They even crucifying a sheep, yo..." added Lamar.

Before answering, the old man walked over to the dead sheep and collected the bucket of blood from underneath it. "We do this to ward off evil spirits, as well as the monsters that lurk on the outside. I'm sorry if it scared you, but this is the truth."

No one believed a single word the old man said. Usually, dolls would attract evil spirits, not ward them off. However, no one made their thoughts known. Instead, they pretended to believe the old couple. There was only one thing on their minds and that was getting whatever they could from the old couple.

"By the way, what should we call you?" suddenly inquired Deandre.

"Just call us Mister and Missus Simpson." answered the old lady.

Just then, they heard a voice call from inside the house. It sounded like a child close to the same age as Serenity. "Mrs. Simpson!"

A 12-year-old child then ran through the door towards the old couple— almost spilling the sheep blood in Mr. Simpson's hand.

"Brandon! I thought we told you to stay inside the freezer until we're back..." complained Mrs. Simpson.

"I know, but I'm really hungry! Besides, the freezer is really cold..."

"Okay, we're about to get dinner started, so your wait is over."

Layla pinched her eyes in suspicion. Why did they have a child with them? Not to mention, the child looked nothing like them. He had chocolate-brown hair and light-grey eyes. They were even keeping him in some freezer? That had weird written all over it.

"Is that your grandchild Mrs. Simpson?" Layla asked hoping she would lie.

"Well— No, he's actually staying with us for the time being. He's looking for his parents and he's staying with us until they're found."

"His parents?" muttered Serenity.

"Yeah... I came here with my parents but for some reason, they disappeared after just a day... I'm waiting for them to come back..." replied Brandon.

Layla turned her eyes back to Mrs. Simpson. Did she lie to them about not having guests in years?

"I thought you said you didn't have guests..?"

"Well— Uh... They weren't necessarily guests... They needed our help and we gave it to them! I promise we didn't lie to you! As an old couple, we get looked at as weird just because of the things we do... I'm deeply sorry and I apologize from the bottom of my heart... If you can't stay with us because of this, then we understand... We're just very lonely at times..."

Layla looked over to Zane. She needed an answer as to what to do. They were in desperate need of supplies— especially food and water. The old couple was definitely weird, but they had to take the risk if they wished not to die of hunger.

"Let's go with them for now. I'm sure everyone here finds the situation creepy, but we need to salvage some supplies. Even if it means stealing them." whispered Zane.

Layla nodded her head in approval. Normally, she wouldn't want to steal directly from a pair of old people, but even the blind could see something was wrong. There was no problem with letting these people suffer for whatever they had done.

"Okay, let's go, everyone," ordered Layla.

Silently, they all walked towards the house. Lamar, being the only one who would rather starve than go inside. However, the risk would be beneficial for their survival. Reluctantly, he followed them inside the house, reciting a passage from the bible showing his fear;

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me!"