Chapter: Human Camp

The group had finally arrived at their destination. They were in Fort Lauderdale close to the human camp Hades had told them about. Apart from Zane, no one was ready to do put the plan in action.

Tricking people into becoming slaves for the Anunnaki was just cruel. Though it was the best option, it didn't make the situation any more enjoyable.

Calmly, Zane scanned the area around them. There was nothing but damaged buildings and abandoned streets filled with rubble. It almost seemed as if they were standing in a ghost town. There wasn't a single human being in sight.

"Are we sure this is the right place?" Inquired Deandre.

"I'm positive. The people here must be hiding out somewhere," replied Zane.

"I would think so too... Wouldn't be wise of them to make a camp in the open," agreed Layla.

"Then the question is; where do we look? Standing out in the open like this could attract company," noted Anastasia.