Chapter: Not Over Yet

Hades stood before the Anunnaki royals thinking about his next move. He had strengthened himself by consuming Diana's brain, but he was still painfully aware it was far from enough. The Kings and Queens of both the Anunnaki and Apocrypha received their strength by cannibalizing criminals. If someone was to commit a serious crime, their brains would be delivered to the royal family, feeding them with more strength. This was how their society was run.

Knowing this, Hades had devised a plan to defeat the royals. There was no way he could take them on in a direct fight, which meant he had to resort to strategy. He would be using technique to overcome strength.

The only issue was that Hades would need the help of Zane for his plan to work. Hades glanced back at Zane who was now struggling to get back on his feet. He had been smashed out of his wolf-like form from the damage he had taken.