Chapter: Road To Survive

A military truck— this was the mode of transport Zane had chosen. It was big enough to hold all five of them and it had the needed space to carry survivors.

As usual, Layla sat in the driver's seat with Zane next to her. Hades, Anastasia, and Shemarie were all cooped up in the back. 

It had been just a little over a day since Zane had split the team in two and decided to go out in search of survivors. It was close to midnight with the stars and moon hovering above. Their current circumstance brought a small glint of nostalgia back to Zane. He remembered when he had just met Layla and she was the one to do all the driving. Zane would follow her around doing his best to support her in any way he could.

Zane gave a sly smile. He realized just how much things had changed since then. He used to be so fixated on helping and saving others. The mistakes he made and the deaths he caused were all due to his terrible decisions.