Chapter: Inside

The group had finally decided to head back to base. After a long fight, Chimera, now renamed Kymera by Layla, was willing to assist Zane. She had broken free of her slaved-mentality and was now looking to do the things that she desired. 

Kymera had now chosen the path of freedom and equality. She desired to overthrow the royals so that a new King and Queen could be chosen. This was the only way for her desires to come about.

Kymera was so serious about her newfound desires, that she had chosen to help her new friend, Layla. Helping Layla would be helping Zane, which would also be of benefit to her. The only issue was that Kymera's end goals were different from Zane's. Zane was trying to bring about a similar world to that of the Apocrypha's society. However, this issue had to be dealt with another time.