Chapter: Bleak

Cerberus growled in rage. Aphrodite had dared to hypnotize his brother, Orthrus. This would not end well.

"Aphrodite, release our brother now!" Demanded Be in an angry tone.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Cerberus. You're my natural enemy, so I must keep whatever advantage I have over you!" Replied Aphrodite infuriatingly.

"Well, I think we should start this fight already!" Began Thanatos as he dropped his weapon, "Guns are useless in this fight so I won't be needing them. Up against a three-headed Chimera that can regenerate heads and an Anunnaki with body armor for skin, my natural weapons will aid me much more!"

Following this, Aphrodite also dropped her weapon. This battle would be a physical one. 

Atticus then stepped beside Cerberus, but he refused to drop his heat ray. The only way he would be of any use in this fight was if he utilized a weapon of his own.