Chapter: Countermeasures

 Layla strapped her gun across her back— Vesta and Anastasia both standing by her side awaiting Artemis' orders. They had all decided to go after Zane and stop him from bringing destruction upon the world.

However, before they proceeded on their mission, Artemis had detailed a plan. She had decided to go after Zane with the intent of killing him. Regardless, she knew that Layla would not be able to accept such a decision. Due to this, she had decided to give Layla a chance to talk Zane out of his actions when the time came. If she failed then his death was sealed.

Nevertheless, before they proceeded, there were extra preparations that needed to be met. Since the cure for the virus had been administered, both humans and Apocrypha alike were now fully awake. Artemis needed to deal with this issue before they started fighting against one another again.

"It's almost dawn. We should hurry and get this over with so that we can go after Zane," hurried Anastasia.