Poor Varog

Alu then pulled back the flames of the Phoenix God Domain.

After the Phoenix God Domain disappeared, Alu who was still staring at Reva then stepped towards her.

In his hands, even though Varog was suppressed by his spiritual energy, he was actually still trying to resist. He was unable to use spiritual energy, but he could still use his physical strength to hit Alu.

"You devil, if you dare, kill me now." Varog screams as he hits Alu.

Even though Varog didn't hear what Alu said before, he somehow felt something bad was going to happen to him.

The something made him feel dead now, much better. If it wasn't that he couldn't control his spiritual energy, he would have chosen to blow himself up at that very moment.


Alu didn't care about Varog who hit him. He kept dragging hjm towards Reva. With Alu's physical strength, Varog's punch which did not contain any spiritual energy was barely felt on his body. He just felt a little amused.