A Third Layer Beast

Whooss... Whooss... Whooss...

A party of more than a hundred people flew across the vast blue sea.

They look very eye-catching.

Of course, with the vastness of the ocean and the number of people who went to the ocean also not being considered large, the group still didn't meet other cultivators that often.

A thousand, two thousand, or even three thousand people might be considered a lot if they all gathered together, but in this vast ocean, they were basically no different from grains of sand.

However, even though they rarely encountered other cultivators, they encountered wild beast hordes quite often along their journey.

Their enormous numbers naturally attracted a great deal of beast attention.

In certain areas, they would always encounter hordes of wild beasts that far outnumbered them.

Being in the ocean, these wild beasts consist naturally of sea animals. Starting from fish, crabs, squid, and even snakes can be found.