The Law of Killing

The way Rena slashed her sword looked very simple. There was no sword technique, and what surprised people even more was that no sword aura was emitting.

Remembering that Rena always carried her sword wherever she went, people had always thought that she was a swordsman. But how could a swordsman not have a sword aura.

"She may not be a swordsman." Several people whispered.

After all, the sword was the easiest weapon to use. Even those who were not swordsmen often used swords as their weapons.

Easy and deadly is naturally the reason why many people use swords.

They usually used the sword as a momentum booster to their original power.

For example the power of the wind, it is very suitable to be used in conjunction with a sword.

"If she's not a swordsman, then what kind of technique does she use?" The people then asked.