The Appearance of a New Name


Right after Alu's hand pierced Arlo's body, flames once again erupted from Alu's hand, making Arlo's body engulfed by even more flames.

The speed at which Arlo's body being burned to ashes also became more and more fast.

If Arlo were still alive, the pain he felt under the burning flames would definitely drive him insane.

Luckily he died first.


The wind always rustled over the crater.

When Alu pulled back the flames that burned Arlo, all the ashes of Arlo's body that were previously trapped in the flames immediately disappeared in the wind.


Far above the holy path sky, no matter where it is, the holy path tablet can be seen clearly.

In order for their battle to be recognized by the holy path tablet, their strength by the time they had just entered the holy path had to be at least equal to that of a second tier faction heir.