Scare everyone


The entire crypt immediately became silent when people saw Turi's head and body and then Alu's hands which were covered in blood and lumps of flesh.

Turi is dead.

Previously he was one of the top characters in the place, but now, his body and head had separated into two parts. And he didn't even have a chance to say more words.

Alu's power that can suppress Turi in one fell swoop makes people surprised, but Turi's death makes them even more shocked.

Turi, however, has a very strong background. Not to mention those with similar backgrounds to Turi, even those with stronger backgrounds would think twice about killing someone with a background like Turi.

But Alu did it without thinking which made them all shocked.

And they, including the people with the power of second-tier faction heirs began to fear as they stared at Alu.