Acting Without Rules

Alu walked with leisurely steps toward the well-built young man who was called young master Henn.

Henn who saw Alu approaching him just stared at him silently.

However, the people around him couldn't help but shout at Alu.

"You, how dare you."

"Do you know who young master Henn is."

"If young master Henn wanted, he could easily annihilate your entire clan."

"You'd better stop there and follow young master Henn's words."

Each of them shouted.

But, even though their words seemed threatening to Alu, their voices actually sounded a little trembling.

Alu's actions some time ago when he slaughtered Turi like slaughtering a chicken are still very much on their minds.


When Alu was only a few meters away from them, he suddenly snorted at the people shouting at him.

It was just a light, casual snort, but it made the people who had previously screamed almost fall over.