My Name is

With the help of a guide, it didn't take Alu and the others too long before arriving at the exit from the crypt.

"That's the way out of this place." The guide pointed to a passage covered with a boulder.

"Before they used that boulder to block the entrance to this place." He explained.

"Oh." Alu stared at the boulder that covered the passage for a while before staring at the guide once again.

"You." The guide immediately trembled when he felt Alu's gaze.

"Because your job is done. Now it's time for you to go to where your friends went." Alu said with a cold smile.

After saying that, he then hit the guide on the head.


The guide was too weak. His head exploded instantly after taking one hit from Alu.


Alu then kicked his remaining body.

Nobody reacted to Alu's actions. They seemed to have gotten used to his cruel nature.