
However, even though he knew the place was so strange, Alu really didn't have a clue what was strange.

"Do I need to investigate?" Alu wondered.

If he found nothing in the end, Alu didn't want to waste his time.

"Ah, never mind. I'll do it for a moment. Maybe I can find something."

After saying that, Alu went downstairs again.


Alu flew down at unimaginable speeds. He had already broken through the thousands of clouds. The distance he had traveled was already several times farther than before. However, even now Alu saw no sign of him reaching land. Everything he saw was still countless wisps of clouds.

But he didn't stop. He continued to fly down.

And he only stopped once more when he saw a space crack in front of him.

From within the crack, Alu saw a man coming out.

The way the man came out was almost the same as Alu's when he entered the place.