Elizabeth's powers

"It is true that cultivation is more important. But there is no doubt that weapons play a huge role in increasing a cultivator's combat strength.

And these innate weapons, they are the best among all weapons.

Unlike other weapons which were only external items, the innate weapons were like the hands and feet of the owner.

There is a term that says that the most important thing to show the true strength of a weapon is the match between the weapon and the person using it.

In this world, there is definitely no weapon more suited to a cultivator than an innate weapon born from the cultivator himself."

"Hehehehe." Elly chuckled. "This little girl really brings so much luck. Two dragon souls and an innate weapon, I'm sure there is no better birth than this. Even this lady is feeling jealous." She says.

Even though the words she said sounded to herself, she was clearly insinuating Alu.