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The big sword was Nirvana's spiritual weapon.

Among the Nirvana stages, maybe only the seventh layer of Nirvana and above can destroy it. Of course, even they couldn't do it so easily. But the light shield Charlie's made can do it easily.

Not to mention Zaden, even Alu was in shock. Now he wanted to know at what stage Charlie's cultivation level was.

Xiu... Xiu... Xiu...

The shield of light suddenly shot five laser beams towards Zaden.

The five laser beams looked small but wherever they passed, the space they passed seemed to melt.

Their speed is also very fast. Zaden didn't even have time to react and they had already pierced his body.


There was the sound of flesh burning as the five laser beams pierced Zaden's body.

The five laser beams did not penetrate the vital parts of his body, but they still numbed his body so that he could barely move. His aura was also weakening very quickly.