
About a day later, Alu finished cultivating.

He smiled in satisfaction as he stood up.

Feeling the strength in his body, he felt like he had become a different being.

With his current strength, if he returned to the Holy Light continent, he could basically move without a hitch.

Even in front of a high-level Nirvana expert, he was sure he could escape.

Whooss... Whooss...

Two white haired figures appeared a moment later.

Alu couldn't see with his eyes, so he could only activate his soul sense to see them.

"You guys?"

Alu was a little surprised when he saw them.

What surprised him was that currently Charlie and Elly's bodies were actually growing taller.

Before they looked like twelve year olds, but now they actually looked the same age as him.

"Hmph." Elly snorted. But she actually looks shy when she looks at Alu.