Chapter 8 First Impressions

"Don't you dare try that with me, missy, Greg may have given in to it but I shall not." Miles cleared his throat and hid behind his magazine once more.

This time to hide his grin, "As for the boy, Billy will be just fine. With our heritage, his instincts will not lead him astray. I am sure Nate knew exactly what he was doing when he hired Ron to mentor the boy. Our Nate is not one to make random decisions."

Samantha sighed, "Milton, did you at least find out who lives at the house that the girl lives in?" At least she could play matchmaker with her grandson. Her son seemed to be oblivious to the fact that he should have a woman in his life.

Miles chuckled from behind his magazine his shaggy grey head of hair bobbing up and down the only indication of his silent laughter. "Yes, Love. I did, consider it sorted. Billy will tell you all about it when he gets home. Now, if you don't mind I would like to finish reading this article on the new hunting regulations this government seems intent on hindering my fun with."

"Just wait until I get a daughter-in-law, you boys will miss my attentions," Samantha muttered under her breath.

"I'm sure we will my dear. Hopefully, your daughter-in-law loves to shop and spa as much as you do. If you're looking for a charity case have you considered young Ron's wife?" Miles replied in a bored tone.

Samantha's eyes narrowed, Milton was waiting for her response, 'what was he up to?' Her heart skipped a beat, 'could it be?' Joy filled her heart, maybe her son would return with his love and she would be a grandmother soon!

She clapped her hands together swept up by the emotion of the thought. 'Goodness, she'd have to replace the curtains in the east wing, they just won't do. Hang on,' she thought, 'she could practice with Ronald's wife, from everything William had said about her she could certainly use some grooming'.

If the rumors were anything to go by she was highly attractive, just mildly backward. Samantha tried hard to recall whether Ronald's wife spoke English or not, the language barrier may present a problem. It had been ages since she'd had to speak an African language, she sighed, if Gregory were still alive they would have traveled to Victoria Falls and visited their favorite chalet in Kariba at least once this year. 'Dear Gregory, why did you have to go?'

"Now Sammie, don't start feeling sorry for yourself." Miles peered over the top of his magazine as he felt the change in his sister-in-law's mood.

She was thinking about Greg again. She smiled wistfully at him and then asked about Ronald's wife. Miles smiled behind his magazine, in a few months Sammie would be happier than she imagined earlier.

They heard the butler shout in protest and maniacal laughter carry up towards them. Both of them looked towards the study's entrance. Seconds later William came running in grinning.

He headed straight for his grandmother, "Hello Gramama, how has been your day?" He asked as he kissed her cheeks.

He waited for her answer and commented at the right times. He agreed that Ron needed help grooming his wife & that Gramama must find a way to help.

With a sense of urgency, William turned to Uncle Milt, "Hey Uncle Milt! How was your day?" He held his breath knowing his next question would be a life or death question.

"Good. Good. I would have gotten more done if you'd agreed to have tea in town with your grandmother as she had requested." Miles grumbled from behind his magazine. "And you? How was your day?"

"Good. I found her."

"Found who? The girl you've been obsessing about?" His grandmother asked excitedly.

William smiled, "No, even better. I've seen the one to whom I will devote the rest of my life. She's gorgeous, intelligent, soft-spoken, kind, perfect physically and she has a huge heart. I can feel it."

"Wonderful! Bring her by the house when she's had a chance to get to know you. What is her name?" Samantha Woodcombe's eyes sparkled. William could almost see her selecting linen for the wedding as she beamed at him.

William looked sheepishly at his great uncle; he was trying to tell the truth and visibly not coming up with a version of the truth he could tell his grandmother. He decided to tell the complete truth.

Sensing his great nephew's capitulation Miles put down his magazine in a huff. "Sam! Really! Let the boy savor his newfound discovery. If indeed he has it right this time, he knows that he must bring her home. Isn't that right boy?" Miles asked his great-nephew.

William grinned at Uncle Milt, "Yessir!" He turned to his gramama who was now sulking. "Aw, Grams, I promise I will bring her home when she's comfortable with me. She isn't like us but she is very special."

Mildly appeased his grandmother sulked a tad bit less. Grinning William turned to his Uncle Milt and nodded towards the door. Miles tilted his head to the side and raised his eyebrow slightly. Samantha looked between the two men just missing the silent communication. Miles stood and clapped the boy on the shoulder.

"I think we need to have a chat about the ground rules with this girl."

"Wait, why do you have to leave? You know that I'll want to have a say." Samantha's sharp eyes looked between the two males.

William looked uncomfortable. Miles looked amused. "William! Are you thinking of bedding her already?!"

William blushed from the roots of his hair to the base of his neck and looked at the ground. 'If only you knew Gram, he thought, I would kill to see her pregnant with my baby'. The thought brought a rush of desire to his body and goosebumps to his skin.

He looked startled at his arms and inhaled sharply. Miles rushed him out of the room. When they were safely in the kitchen Miles looked at his great-nephew.

William looked calm but Miles could smell fear and excitement from the boy. The boy looked at him expectantly. Miles thought of his son and ruffled the boy's hair.

"Well," he said a little gruffer than he intended. He cleared his throat and pointed at one of the stools near the island in the center of the kitchen. "There is something wrong with her isn't there?"

William instantly felt defensive, she was perfect, he thought. Uncle Milt raised a pacifying hand. "What do you want me to promise not to tell your grandmother?"

William sighed and looked his great uncle in the eye. Miles raised an eyebrow, whatever the boy had to say he wasn't going to like it. He looked so much like Nathan just before he was about to say something unpleasant…it was uncanny how the three boys looked so much alike at the same age.

When William finished talking, he looked at his grandfather's brother and waited for the protest. Miles sighed and shook his head, "I don't like it one bit. If you get caught or worse, she finds herself in love with you it is going to get very messy."

"Which is where you come in; Uncle Nate has been working on a hormone suppressor, right?" William watched Uncle Milt nod his head slowly. "So, it is safe for me to use and you can use it on me."

William saw his great uncle's face harden. William wasn't beyond begging, he had to be close to her, if Uncle Milt said no, he would die a little every day. His throat tightened and he swallowed his pride, "Please, Uncle Milt, I need to know she is safe and happy. With the suppressor, I can watch over her and not need to make her mine in the physical sense of the word. Please?"

"You're aware that it has side effects which could negate the very purpose you're trying to achieve?" Miles watched the boy carefully. The boy frowned and asked what those were.

"Violent outbursts, impotence, extreme aggressiveness, a blurred sense of right and wrong, and when it wears off there won't be a damn thing in the world that can stop you from being with her."

The boy seemed to think this over. "Will I not be able to control my anger around her?"

"You might-"

"I want to do it; I have to know she is safe." William's voice was straight and sincere. Miles saw that the boy was certain he could control his teenage self. He smiled inwardly, he really should warn the pup.

"Don't blame me when you wake up in her bed one morning and don't know how you got there," he snorted.

William groaned, "Please Uncle Milt, save me the graphic imagery. I'd do anything to be able to see her moody and mad as hell with me for making her pregnant-" William slapped his hand over his mouth and his eyes widened in shock. "I didn't mean to say that aloud."

Miles' laughter roared throughout the house and he wiped tears from his eyes. This would be interesting indeed. He sighed, his brother would have been much sterner with the boy. But he did have the advantage of being under the supervision of a special task force, something the boy was not to know.