"My turn, my turn!" Euna hollered out, making everyone giggle like toddlers.
"Alright then, Euna. Truth or dare?" Wendy asked with a smirk on her face. Charlotte and Lyra wait with excitement, after all, Yubin had always been the best at making the funniest of truths AND dares. Euna knew this all too well, being the most reckless among them.
"Truth." Euna declared with a cocky accent.
After all, with a truth, what's the worst she could have done? Wendy's face twisted into a mischievous one, inciting looks anticipation from both Charlotte and Lyra.
"Good luck with this one." Lyra scowled jokingly at Euna, only to receive a playful slap from Euna.
"I knew it; you underestimate me!" Euna began, pouting, drawing a snort from Charlotte.
"Don't kid yourself." She said, still chuckling.
"So, Euna, what's going on between you and that senior? What was his name - Dean?" Wendy leaned back and folded her arms with the smirk still plastered on her. Charlotte and Lyra whipped their heads towards Euna.
"Honestly, even I don't know what's going on." Euna bit down on her lips and crossed her legs. "He confessed to me just 2 days ago."
"And? Do you feel the same way?" Charlotte leaned forward in anticipation, slapping a hand over Wendy's mouth to prevent her from interjecting.
"I guess I do." Euna said somewhat shyly.
"Aw! You guys would be cute together. You should totally start dating!" Wendy ripped Charlotte's hand off her face and pulled out her phone, scrolling for a bit. "What's his Insta?"
"Here, toss." Euna held out her palm and Wendy handed her phone over. She fumbled with entering the username before opening his profile. Charlotte inched towards Euna from her spot, eyeing his profile. Lyra took a peek from the other side, her gaze widening as she did so.
"Goddamn." Lyra remarks, gobsmacked.
"Lemme see!"
Charlotte peered over Lyra's shoulder.
She snatched Wendy's phone and scrolled through Dean's profile. "Message him once we're done our sleepover - and that's an order."
"You've been single for too long so I think some experience would be good for you." Wendy added, receiving her phone from Charlotte. She paused for a bit before continuing, "Let's get on with our game of truth or dare."
"Right." Euna nodded. "Who asks after Wendy?" Lyra proudly raised her hand high for everyone to see.
"Me! Lotte, truth or dare?"
"Truth." Charlotte replied while grinning.
"Damn, y'all are so dry." Wendy whined.
"It's two truths one dare anyway. It's fine." Euna said, shrugging.
"What's on your phone that prevents us from looking on it?" Lyra pointed at Charlotte's phone. A look of bewilderment flashed across her face as she reached for her phone, cradling it.
"Come on!" Wendy teased. Charlotte sighed and pulled out her phone.
"It's for a mix of reasons, honestly. My sister uses my phone sometimes to play games, so I have a bunch of random girl games sitting on my phone. It's also because of my camera roll..." Wendy, Lyra and Euna's head perked up as her voice died towards the end.
"And what's on it?" Lyra asked slowly.
"You only get one question - ask next time!" Charlotte stuck her tongue out at Lyra while she scoffed. "I get to ask someone now."
Charlotte scanned Wendy, Euna and Lyra closely before her gaze landed on Euna.
"Euna, dare or dare?" Charlotte poked.
"Not exactly giving me an option, now are you?" Euna sighed. "Dare, duh." Charlotte grinned and paused for a bit.
"You've all heard of the haunted story of our school during nighttime right?" Charlotte said, moving towards the rest and lowering her voice. Lyra nods.
"Yeah? What about it?" Wendy scratched her head. Charlotte's grin became wider.
"Wanna go see for ourselves?"
"Wait, so what exactly is it?" Euna sheepishly asked. Charlotte laughed to herself for a bit before explaining.
"In the school's maintenance room, there is a painting of a woman. Rumour has it that she was the mother of a student who went to our school."
"Which student?" Euna interrupted.
"That is not known, unfortunately. Apparently, the student went to our school decades ago and died from suicide, as it was found that the kid was bullied a lot."
Euna couldn't help but to remark.
"Oh snap."
"The bullies' main form of torture would be calling the kid to the school late at night and beating them up where there were no adults in sight. Now, for revenge, the mother haunts the school and kills whoever she sees wandering its halls during the night - lest they are another torturer." Hyejeong wrapped up her story, delivering it so well that it made everyone else shudder.
"So... what's the dare?" Euna asked confused. Charlotte passed Euna a permanent ink pen.
"You're going to go to the school's maintenance room and sign your name on the painting."
Euna threw her head back in laughter.
"That's literally a death wish. I like the sound of that. I'm just not sure if I'm feeling it tonight."
She shrugged.
"C'mon, it'll be fun - like a haunted house." Charlotte teased. "Don't tell me you believe in urban legends like this."
"Of course not, it's just that I'm already scared of haunted houses with a 100% chance of survival." Euna rolled her eyes.
"Let's do it."