Chapter 3 Learn information




Accept the reward

[congratulation you have win 5xp and 1 skill point]

"it's finish nice I don't do anithing"

[you have unlock mission 2]

[Mission 2 : learn about the world.

Reward : 5exp + 1sp +map]

Nice free exp

Activate package of information

[Activation package of information]

All information come in my head. To do a resume, I learn type of warship:

-Corvette : starship for transport 1 or 2 people.

-Frigatte : starship for transport goods or people.

-Fighter : little starship with little firepower. Have a lot of speed

-Battleship : medium starship with average firepower. It's an average starship.

-mothership : ship who is use to transport other ship. Low speed higt firepower.

-Flagship : big ship who is use to controle a lot of starship. Low speed, low firepower, hight communication. It's not a really a type of starship. It's just a ship who is specialize like that

-utilityship : special starship whiich is use for special thing. Example excavagership, use to mine asteroid.

The description is not juste that because we can modify our ship.

We have for attack material gun


-Machine gun battery

-Anti-starship torpedo

-Explosion torpedo

And for energy gun (antimaterial gun)

-lazer gun

-Antishield lazer

-Lazer machine gun

-Pierce lazer

Drone exist. They are not so advance. I think military drone from earth is more advance.

And we have AI. They doesn't exist. I'm unique. AI is not worth because AI have no emotion. They are not COOL. Hahaha you see that I'm not COOL. If i put my gun in you will i became cool?

With that I'm in a trash planet who doesn't have a name. All trash is direct in trashplanet. Nobody use them for other thing. Nobody live in this planet. But we can have a lot of ressource if we want to catch a virus in the same time.

O yeah I finish the mission. Accept the recompense.

[Congratulation you have finish the mission you have win 5exp, 1sp, map]