Chapter 9 : Docking in space station

I finnaly arrive in the space station. Now I have to problem. First I have no communication system. I can't ask for access. Second I have no crew. What will they do if they can't find anybody in this spaceship?

What is my choice :

1- brute force : I dock without permission and hope they will don't shoot me. But they won't see my crew so we will have a problem.

2- I wait and hope space police will come because it's not normal that a ship is there without moving.

3- I move a little, play dead and wait like I have no more power. They will have to enter in the spaceship to stop it else i will crash in the space station.

I will try the tird choice.

I put my speed at 30 km/h

I stop the truster 1km of the docker.

500m of the docker.

100m of the docker. I can see a corvette coming.

90m it's not a corvette I don't know this spaceship.

80m they use a lazer beam against me?

No it's more like a tractor beam.


[docker spaceship]

O a new spaceship it's surely a utilityship.

They will not attack me it's cool.

I'm dock accepte reward.

[Mission not finish

go to a space station : academia Dama and search for your captain. System will chose for you.

Reward : 1sp

Failure : you will not be complete]

Right i have to wait for my captain. I will wait in the dock.

[Search for a captain.]

[No honor captain find.]

I come here for nothing?

[new mission

Wait for an engineer. He will renovate you.

Reward : blue print of the weapon + weapon+ radar+communication system (externe network and intern network)]

No failure?

[failure of mission will now be erase because you know understand the utility of the mission]

Right. I will wait a little.

[open of the airlock]

New people come. Who are they? Police perhaps.

" Is there a person? We are the space army. We see that you haven't energy we came to save you"

"Air can be breath lieutenant."

"Why is it so dusty here? It's like nobody live here"

"Go search for survivor I take the cockpit. Care guys."

Good people. I will help them a little. I will turn on the light.

"Report men. Who active the light? Nobody in the cockpit"

"Nobody in the hall"

"Nobody in the kitchen"

"Nobody in all the bedroom"

"Nobody in the infirmary"

"Nobody in the storage but we have a lot of metal."

"I think lieutenant that the system restart because the dock give energy to the starship. We are in an legendary ghost starship. This starship have receive order to return in this place but turn out of energy. "

Yeah I love you mister. Legendary ghost starship, I love that. I think I will name you cool guy.

" It's not just a rumor? They really exist? It's the first time I can see one."

< cool guy>" Yes me to. Is it not exiting? With a good renovation it can be use."

" What name will we put to the starship for docking?"

" Legendary Ghost it has to be Legendary Ghost. "

Nice name cool guys

< lieutenant>" go for that John. Student will use it for their class. It's not like we will have a use to it. "

So cool guy's name is John

< John > "good idea lieutenant, they can install one or two thing and use it for test."

" yeah guys we go out. I have a report to do"