We are now next to the planet. We will use it's gravity to take the first place. Bernard finish the holographic map yesterday and the crew use it to create an itinerary. The pilot will, with the help of the map follow the path to win.
I will help the pilot to follow the path and correct the angle if we have a problem. We have an hour before the Start of the operation "gravity".
Timer use 1h
00min 59sec
00min 01sec
"start the descent into hell. "
Yeah you will be useless. It's like I can see a blue road in front of me. I just have to follow this road.
"Where does it come from?"
"It's our directional porpulsor. The system of the starship use it all when they are not in heat all time to accelerate our speed.
And I think i can sense correction of my descent. It's like this ghostly starship want to help us. "
" If it want to help us no problem. But concentrate in your task. "
" Ting, ting, ting"
" see where do we have a starship. It's the radar."
"I see it it's the noble starship we surpass them. Our speed is more than their. "
" Good job. Continue like that."
" I don't think it's me I say it the starship help us. "
" No problem, continue your work we will start to ascend in a little."
Now I will have to surcharge my bellow propulsor and wait a little more. I will repair that with metal in my inventory.
" I can't my bellow propulsor don't want to be use."
"Use it now"
Not entirely I know who I am and what is my power. I will catapult us in 3seconde.
Use the surcharge.
"hang you to anithing you can"
" Our bellow propulsor is activate"
"I think our bellow propulsor use all their output and expose to win time.
" so we lose our bellow propulsor?"
" I think so but I can't be sure. "
[automatic repair activate]
[repair in 1 day]
We don't have to use this propulsor anymore so with this advance we have the lead.
" All good the more difficult part is passed. Now we can sleep. Pilote can swap."
" Thanks Coralie God night all."
" Good work. Good night."