Now that I am clear with that I'm sure that I want to have a weapon. It's clear that Bernard will give me one but I don't know what he will give me.
The best for me will be a gun and a lazer gun or 2 lazer gun. With that I don't have to take munition. And I will possibly modifie it. My memories can help me.
I think I will speak with Bernard about all this stuff. He won't speak of me to other. First I can't use my speaker because I know one sound. I will have to take sound tamplate after.
Bernard is here. First I can't use my speaker because I know one sound. I will have to take sound tamplate after. I will send a message in the screen of the cockpit.
What will I say?
-Hello Bernard how are you?
-Bernard make one lazer gun and one gun.
- nice to meet you I'm the starship.
I don't really know.
Why not the 3
-Hello Bernard how are you? I'm the starship nice to meet you. I want a gun and a lazer gun is it possible? -
Now I will wait to see what he will say.
OK now I will have to change that.
-Hello Bernard, this is not a joke, how are you? I'm the starship nice to meet you. I want a gun and a lazer gun is it possible? -
-They are your porn under your bed. Is that what you talk.-
-I know everything, I'm god-
-yeah kiss my truster and worship me-
-Yeah and you are a human. I want a gun and a lazergun please. -
-I can change that no problème. You juste have to install the two type of weapons and I will modie mylsef after. -
-Thank you mister Bernard.-
-You can call me Green. Green L. Ghost, is it beautifull? -
-Good idea commoner. Now go work commoner. Can you give put your phone, computer and digital tablet in my storage please-
I will wait a little.
Now that Bernard have put is electronic thing in my storage I will take them in my inventory. I hope that I will have more blueprint.
[You have a new blueprint smartphone]
[you have a new blueprint computer]
[You have a new blueprint tablet]
[You have a new blueprint earpiece]
[Connection to internet detect]
[Externe network connect]
[Automatic connexion network in all Dockers ]
Very good. Now I will replace that and I will give you metal and another tablet with my intern network.
-with that I can speak with you during your taff-