Chapter 20 Search my kaptain

It will be 5 year that Bernard finish his school. I have nobody to talk with. Lot of people try to activate me in my stay In this school but nobody is my kaptain.

The first years lot of people come. Pirate, noble, commoner but nobody for me. Today is the day that new student come. With the race and other lesson I have win 6sp and I use 6 of them to take the excavator drone and a vaccum cleaner . It will help me to find good metals and excavate them. It's an automatic drone. It will excavate good material first in 1km it has detection and other thing.

Today is a day when the first year come. If I remember correctly the brother and sister of Coralie and Bernard will begin their scholarship here. Nemo and Emily. All the first year will have to touch me one time to know if their are my kaptain. In reality I wil not activate directly. It's just to know. O the first batch of people. It's the noble.

"what is this sheet. Is this really a starship"

First thing you say and it's that. I just hope that it's not him my kaptain.

Now it's time for the army. Nobody.

Time for the pirate. Nobody to.

Mercenary it's your turn. Nobody again.

What is that 5th group? They have another group this year? O I think it's Bernard brother he have the same face. He has black eyes who are a little close, black hair, 1m 75 and an handsome face. T shirt and jean. Not bad locking. The sister is different. She has overalls, red hair and blue eyes. I can see other people. One men with tank top with strong arm and one with a knife in his hand. One women with glasses. One men who is like a dead men. One women with a dress an another with a white coat like the doctor but she add chains.

It's time to touch me. To now if they are the owner they have to touch my helm.

They all try. The only who will touch me in 3 second is Bernard brother.

[CONGRATULATION you have your new kaptain : Nemo.

You win the gift of god]

So my kaptain is Bernard brother's Nemo. I have 2 year to prepare for him. When all people exit from the ship I will excavate and kill pirate to win experience.

It's time to go back to my trash planet.