Chapter 22 Evolution

While I go to the trash planet I read book about metal.

Rare 1 metal is about commun metal.

Rare 2 metal is for starship, munition...

Rare 3 metal is use for the lazer gun. It's the minimum to counter it or have a use to it. Noble battleship will use it to counter lazer gun in probability that they are attack.

Rare 4 is ultra rare. It's more precious than any other thing. Apparently noble will pay that a lot 100 000 000 gold just for 1 kg

And lastly rare 5 nobody have found it and if one found it, it will netheir say it because it's ultra mega rare. Only a metal rare 5 can penetrate a metal rare 5. If a starship have this metal it's like the people in can't be kill.

It's a good metal for me I will try to become only metal rare 5 in the future. I will find a little in my trash planet but first I will begin to found metal 3 after that I will change millself little by little in another metal that metal 1.

[Status modify with information of metal. It will be name in kg]

It will help me a bit thanks system.

Book are really great to learn information.

I arrive to trash planet. Time for you drony my higt tech Excavator drone. Go and find metal rare 3,4,5.

15 minute after.

[Excavator drone is home.]

[Transfer of all the metals.]

[You have take 21 metal rare 3]

[You have receive 3 metal rare 4]

[You have receive 1 metal rare 5]

Drony go again same order.




Rare 1: 556

Rare 2: 153

Rare 3: 58

Rare 4 : 12

Rare 5 : 2

Gold : 163

[Excavator drone is home.]

[Transfer of all the metals.]

[You have take 24 metal rare 3]

[You have receive 1 metal rare 4]

[Excavator drone level up]

[It can now take a maximum of 50 metal]

Drony go now same order.

[You have receive 50 metal rare 3]

I will change a little my position in this planet. I will take all the rare 5 metal.

Drony go take metal 5,4.

1 hour later

[you receive 3 metal 5 and 10 metal 4]

Take metal 3 Drony and i will change position to finish.

[You have receive 50 metal 3]

I change my position in this planet and send Drony.

[you receive 5 metal 5, 6 metal 4 and 39 metal 3]

Evolve into a battleship.


Time of evolution 24h.