"Now for your first mission help me recruit the other 7 please."
" No problem i know them"
" Who will be your mate?"
" I think my mate will be Lily"
I 'm going to search Lily.
" Lily you can come in"
She sit in face of me
"So Nemo you have already chosen to be with her. Nice to meet you miss L. Ghost. I' m Lily a noble. I escape my parents because they want to marry me with other noble. I came here in hope that people want me in their ship. I'm not of the level of Nemo but I can help you"
"Have you request or other thing?"
" I want a good position in this ship. I don't like to be ordered by other. I want to be like your third"
I turn my head and make a eyes contact with Nemo. He nod.
"Welcome to my starship. Read and sign this contract."
The contract is the same of Nemo with modification because she wil be my mate.
" Is this real?"
Why did she ask Nemo.
" yeah apparently."
She sign it.
"You can go now thank Lily. Please ask Kenny to come."
" Hello, I come for the position of pilot. I'm the best in this academy but I have a problem. I don't have luck so if you take me you will have a problem. I just have a request. I want to have the possibility of personalized my workspace and a solitary bedroom."
" I can do that. Welcome and you don't have problem with your badluck I have a pretty good luck. I will counterbalance you bad luck. Read and sign this contract"
Same content that the other.
" Nice choice green. Kenny ask gael and Sarah to come."
"Two at the same time?"
"Yeah they are pretty special with knife. They love it. And they are together"
" Nice to meet you. My name is Gael I'm a cook"
"And my name is Sarah I'm a doctor. We have request to be together in our bedroom and we want to say that we will love knife. Like a little bit to much. Apart for this we work only with music. Hard rock and metal music."
" A little thing to add for me is that I hate when people enter my kitchen. And I hate people stealing ingredient. We want to personalize our workspace if possible. But it's not a criteria for us. "
" if you promise to not stab people we don't want you to stab will accept your application. "
" We promise"
" Nice. Read and sign here your are accept"