Chapter 49+ status


Name : legendary ghost

Surname : green

Color : black/green

Race : spaceship-AI

Level 18

Job: nanonnergy

Type starship : battleship

Type IA : starship controller

Room : 18/18

Ennergy: 280/280

Weapon : 6slot(2lazer,4normal)

Shield : 5

Truster : 5

Directional propulsion : 5

Concious : 2

Statpoint : 0

Sp : 0

Passive Skill  :

System - shops kill, map, mission, all language

Visuel sense - max

Gravity - max

Hard wall lvl2

Life support - max

Scanner block lvl3

Reparation lvl 2

Weapon deployer lvl3

Killer taker lvl1

Active Skill :

Nanomachine control lvl2

Scanner lvl 2

Self-concealment lvl7

Communication system lvl2

Radar lvl2

Hyperspace thruster lvl 1

Overload lvl 1


Kitchen max 2

Hall lvl1 2

Infirmary lvl1 2

Storage max 2

Cockpit  lvl2 2

Bedroom lvl2 2

Bathroom lvl1 2

Library lvl1 2

Kaptain room lvl1 2

Sport room lvl1 2

Space room:

Space water room max

Space reactor room lvl1

Reshearch and developments blueprint room

Inventory/storage max



Smoke bombe






Lazer gun


Human sword


Excavator drone

Vacuum cleaner

Repair drone


Sword lvl3

Gun lvl3


Metal: (kg)

Rare 1: 0

Rare 2: 2043

Rare 3: 1463

Rare 4 : 368

Rare 5 : 20

Gold : 10 000 000

[Job :nanonnergy]

This job help you with the use of energy and nanotechnology. All your ship is create from nanotechnology. You can modifie only a little bit your ship. But it will return to it's real form all the time. The energy can be use to help you in all your task like repair you or recharge one thing. Like shield for example. You can choose the number you want to recharge. With your energy. Shield lvl1 is 100 energy for full recharge.


Room who can be use. Space room is not count because they doesn't really exist. You have cockpit. 8 Bedroom for the crew. Kitchen. Hall. Infirmary. Storage. Cockpit.


Ennergy who can be use by the weapon of the starship. Replenish with the space reactor room. Truster and other thing have already their energy provide and they are not write in this counter.


Number of slot where you can put a weapon


Number of attack the shield can receive.

With material number*10. With lazer it's only the number.


Number of truster and engine power. Nbr max =4 after that it's their engine power. Lvl*1'000'000km/h

[Directional propulsion]

Number of propulsion and engine power. Max number 2. After it's their engine power. You have one minimum in all the side of the starship. (2max)it help to change direction.

[Concious] task you can do in the same time. You can't level up this with your Statspoint. It increase with your job. When you have requirement.


You have camera in and out of your starship.

You have screen, microphone and loudspeaker in your starship. You can see, hear, talk and touch (lock) with them like a human.


Starship have gravity inside. Normal gravity like in planet.

[Hard wall]

Your wall can't be pierce this easily. Hardened the wall.  For each level you can take 3shoot before it pierce.

[Life support]

Supplies air respirator in starship. Lifeform can breath inside.

[Scanner block]

You can block a scanner in the level scanner lock is : scanner block lvl1->block - >lvl1scanner


Your starship will automatically repair himself with use of metal in you space storage/storage

You can speed the task by using energy or metals. 100 for instant repair room


Detect thing around it. Our range is  lvl*1km

[Weapon deployer]

Can hide you weapon and deploy it when you have to shoot.

[Killer evolver]

Passive skill that will randomly trigger one of this multiple option when you kill a thing : starship or life form ...

First: You will take one of his stats.

Second : you will pass directly into the next level.

Third: one of your skill will level up. In function of the sank starship.

Fourth: You will take one of his skill.

Fifth : you will take one of his blueprint.

Sixth : you will take metals of this starship

Seventh : you will have the chance to randomly transform metals to the next level.

Eighth: you will take one of his room.

Nineth : you will level up one room.

Tenth : nothing.

[Nanomachine controle]

You create and controle Nanomachine. They can be use only if you know the blueprint of the object you want to create. You have to obtain metals first. Metal will be convert in nanomachine.


You can scanne a starship for information. He can scanned all thing in the range of the radar.


You are more invisible. Your are invisible after 1000-(lvl*100) meter.

[Communication system]

You have now two type of communication with 1km range. You can communicate out the starship and in the starship. The 2 can't communicate in the same système. Only object connected with the communication device can be use to communicate outship. Other will only communicate in the ship.

Range = lvl*1 km.

Intenet can only be use by outside communication end only if you are in range to connect with a planet, space station...


Can boost you power during lvl minutes.

Cool down 1day.

[Hyperspace truster]

Can take you quickly to a destination that you have in your map.

Cool down 10day.


Blueprint we have in memory.

[Kitchen] max

It's a normal kitchen. Fire is create by the starship. No energy need. Water is transport by space water room


An hall or a dining hall when it's time to eat.

Your level explain the length.


You can save life here. One medical pod. ( one pod per level.


Where decision is take. You have here the captain and other crew important to navigate. The level show the length that we can have. Only a flagship have a very hight level of cockpit.


Lenght of the bedroom and luxury of it.


Lvl bathtub who can contained 4people.


Convert all the book that you download into a real book in the library. Lvl*lvl*1000 book can be contain.

[Kaptain room]

Room with a big bed and screen of different information of the starship like health, radar...

[Sport room]

Room where you can do sport. Sport machine and weight can be use.

[Space room]

room who doesn't really exist. They are use to create and transport thing in the ship. Like other dimension room which nobody can enter.

[Space water room]

A space room create in a ship who can give water to the starship. You don't have to create a stock of water. It create water and transport it in all the ship.

If you want to find this room, it's a space room.

The water can be hot if you want.

[Space reactor room]

A space room which creates and transport energy all the starship.

Like the water room you can't enter it it's a space room.

[Space research and development blueprint room]

Room that will help you research and develop your blueprint.


Space storage is like an inventory system. But you can only retrieve your object in the storage. Storage is a room in your starship.

[Sword art]

Proficiency with the sword.


Proficiency with the gun.