Chapter 77 Travel with the Duke Rodin again

At our return we all have a briefing. The princess come to all of our briefing and when she ear our choice and the politique behind she chose to go out of the hall.

We explain them our choice nd Lily complement the information.

For the mission we chose to accept the mission. This noble is not bad so we will help him.

For seeing the king we also accept because of his daughter. We will have to deliver her to her grandfather or father.

But we didn't know if we have to help during the war. Nobody want to chose for the moment. So we will do like we want for the moment. We accept our ten mission.

We return to the guild and the guild master ask us to come to his desk.

We directly go on.

"So did you chose what you will do?"ask Watan

" Yes we chose to accept the mission and to accept the invitation of the king because we have thing to do. But we didn't chose if we will battle during the war or not. " said Nemo with a serious face.

" I see. But the other can see you aggrement as a contract with the king. They can target you before the war begin. " prefere to add Watan to warn us.

" So they will force our hand in this war and they will lose more than us in this. "I say. I think oif they force us in the war they will have big problems.

"I see. Thank you for agree with the request. We will contact the Duke. You can wait at your starship they will go there directly."say Watan to finish the talk.

"Thanks and at the next time" we say in the same time

We return to our starship but lot of people look at us. I prepare my gun and Nemo do the same. After arriving we wait little time. The noble arrive and I open the door. He as a lot of guard. We let him enter but only two guard come with him.

"The other won't enter?"

"No they are her for my security inside the space station. Now I will only have two guard. You know one of them but the other one is new."

I look at his guard. The left one is the guard that come with the Duke and didn't do anything. He guard without talking. A good badyguard. The guard that remove the sheet of our vaghost is not here.

" The bad guard is not here. Did you change him. "

" Yes I have no use of a guard that can't follow rule."

"Oh yeah speaking of that." I look at the first guard. "Can you explain the rule of this starship to your colleagues?"

"Not a problem i remember them and we already say it to him."

"I will follow them so don't worry miss."

"Nice guys. Do like you want inside. If you have question you can ask all the crew member. See you"

I let them do like they want and go to Nemo and the other. After a message inside all of the battleship to say we will depart we separate of the space station. Direction the planet Torian.