Chapter 91 Reward of war

The day of the reward we all come to the palace. We can see a lot of people Coralie is here with Bernard and her father to. Now that I think of it I didn't even hear is name. I will perhaps hear that today.

We have a lot of army's men and mercenary group. Is the throne room this big to accept all of this people? Or are we going in another place?

We pass a very long corridor and arrive at a big room. This room is so big that it can feet 2 mothership. I didn't know it was possible. At one of the wall they are thing written. I can't see them but I will be able to read them if I approach. The crow prince and the princess are not here. I'm sure they will arrive with the king. At the wall in the right of the entry we have a big buffet. The thing that are cook are special. I can see a little big of void whale meat. I won't say that I can eat it when I want but I want to try the royal cooking. To know if Gael is really good or not.

For the moment I only try Gael food and the Academy food. And for information the Academy food is like our school food. Not so famous.

The guard come and form a circle where 5 seat where put. One men with a long hat cough.

All people in the room make silence.

"The crown prince, the crown princess and the princess are coming."

George, Maria, and Flora come in the room. All people in the room applaud. The princess Flora look at the room and when she see us she wave her hand. We chose to do the same.

Her mother see that and do the same but not to us but to all the people in the room. I think she do that to hide her daughter.

After sitting the men with the long hat cough another time.

"The King and the Queen"

They enter the room and a round of applause come. More hight than for his son. I see that the last Duke, Duke Rodin is the more close than the other next the king.

We began to sit at our designed sit.

The king stand up and hit his glances with his fork.

"To begin I thank all of you to come when we ask for your help. You came to defend our empire against an invasion and a tirant. So for your help we will reward you for your achievement. The best of the best in this war are here with us. We will name your starship and your kaptain to come... "

The king start with the army's. A lot of people are promote and because they sustain a lot of lose they will give a lot of gold and fightership.

At the end of the army he start with the mercenary and their achievement.