Chapter 103 Kenny success

The next morning after a good rest and a big breakfast , the crew come to the cockpit to pass the asteroid belt.

Our best pilot Mr Kenny will prove us that he as the capacity of dodging all of the asteroid because he want to show off a little. The other crew member had all chose another plan in case thing don't work but because he want to show off we will let him do that.

He start the thruster and speed a little to go directly inside a hole. The radar permit him to know where the rock come from and he start to dodge all of them. We advance without any problem at first but the problem come after 100 us. At the first asteroid belt, all the asteroid come from the left. But this time they all come from the right. So for continue dodging he start to go to the left at the same speed at the asteroid and do a switch with the overload and make the starship do a 180 degree before starting again.

We pass the second asteroid belt with the same technic as the first. The third belt is a little special. The asteroid come from everywhere. This time Kenny went to a hole and start to dodge without advancing first and but after some time he pass 56 us easily like the asteroid didn't exist. He pass the rest of the time at advancing, dodging or come back a little before going in. We didn't touch one asteroid.

The fourth belt is the more easily of all. The rock didn't move fast but they are very big. So he dodge by brushing against the rock because we can't see behind it.

We encounter our guide whale during the fourth belt. They were passing inside one of the rock who had a hole in it. So we decrease our speed to match them. But we didn't really follow them. We keep our own technic.

At the end of the day we exit the asteroid belt. We also had the time to eat a little during a rest inside the 4 belt.

" Finish, who is the boss? Who? It's Kenny… Who is the boss? It's me."

AT this moment of joy of Kenny, Nemo break his mind.

"Yeah but we have the possibility of using the ghost mode of green, or using the concealment and be under the whale."

Emily follow.

"Or we can use the magnetic field of the whale/asteroid to make them dodge us."

Lily take the lead.

"Or we can use gold to create a pass because the asteroid follow gold."

To finish Edouard say.

"Or you can search a pattern and find the best road to take. With the radar we had find the pattern of the 4 belt yesterday."

Kenny follow them.

"Yeah but with my technic we now know that I'm a good pilot.

We all node to agree to his sentence. He is a really good pilot in reality. He learn to counter his bad luck with skill.