Deep Conflict with The Hideous Assassin

'H-H-How did you get this?!' Brendy after moments of silence, out of shock, stuttered while asking.

'Just make sure to use it in a desperate situation,' Bloom just replied.

'What is it?' Peri asked, followed by questions of everyone, while Gored remained silent, waiting for Brendy's reply, which came swiftly after.

He shared a picture of a potion, and its details, with a bright name of it shining in front of everyone's eyes.

'Hp potion: it restored thirty Hp points directly, plus ten Hp points per second for the next five seconds. Can't be used when other Hp potions are in effect.'

Everyone sucked a cold breath of air at once, while they all glanced, in doubt and shock, towards the one who pulled this big hand.

'Let's not waste anymore time,' Bloom said in the team chat.

Everyone, without prior agreement, just nodded. Now they weren't just looking towards him as they were looking at a lucky kid, but to some real expert.

It was common knowledge that the first ten levels didn't have any way to obtain potions from, and now Bloom just sends to Brendy one bottle simply like this.

Bloom's target was met, and now he waited for Brendy to move. Brendy was feeling more inferior to him every passing moment, and now he couldn't even think how he could reply to this move.

It was simply a KO!

Brendy unwillingly moved, revealing himself in the rear of the monster formation. Though his hand was tied and was forcibly following Bloom's instructions, he selected a perfect spot to appear at, just slightly to the left, making a line with the direction of the tunnel.

Once he appeared, the monsters sensed his presence, as they all roared, all at once. the next moment they turned, disrupted their positions, and tried to attack him.

At the next moment he vanished, like he wasn't even there. as monsters stopped, didn't have the chance to rearrange themselves, the main DPS moved to the front, attracting their attention.

The formation, which was very offensive, was now broken, and this lifted great burden off the team's shoulders.

'Nice move,' Bloom muttered to himself, commending the perfect spot Brendy selected, making him feel more regret that talent was wasted on such a personality.

The fight went as everyone experienced before. The moment one monster lost half of its Hp, it roared, sprinting, this time heading straight for Peri. Bloom didn't have any recollection of the choice of these dungeon monsters for the rear classes, but it seemed this was quite a pattern now.

He was standing at the opening of the tunnel, while Gored was just behind him. "Take care of here," Bloom muttered, as he started his own attack, moving outside the opening that could only accommodate four players side by side, or two monster maximum.









Two crits out of four hits, Bloom started to get used to this. He knew this wasn't a healthy thing, as after all this wasn't related to him, but to her. He clashed with monsters a couple of meters away from the entrance, and as two of them headed to the entrance, he used the last skill to adjust his direction, standing between the monsters and the tunnel's opening.

The wizard's skills started to fall at this moment, selecting the crowd of monsters he was facing, making them suffer big damage ranging between one hundred and one hundred and fifty.

'Nice, at least you have a brain,' Bloom thought to himself, satisfied with the right decision that wizard made. At this moment, he used his strongest skill.

"Ground breaker."













Again, four crits out of six hits, while he turned his body, putting his back to the monsters, directing the attacks to the two monsters held by Gored. Things were under his complete control, as he directed the three stabs first to the two monsters, before he used the slice, to change his direction, to stand in front of the monsters, side by side with Gored.

Now the crowd of monsters coming here were separated by the two monsters kept in check by him and Gored. Their Hp was about to hit the bottom, so he refrained from using his stab skill for two seconds, before joining the fight again, after retreating a couple of steps to secure himself.





The two skills were enough to kill the two monsters, and he used slice to move himself to stand behind the fallen monsters, putting his back to the incoming monsters.

"Ground breaker."








This time he moved, to put himself in the middle of these angry mobs. The moment he used the ground breaker, he turned his body to face the monsters, receiving a couple of his on the way, making him lose forty points.




He wasn't fighting alone after all, as Peri had used a healing skill to make him regain thirty Hp points in less than three seconds. He was busy now, dancing amidst the crowd of the mobs, which were now cornered between the unbreachable Gored with the two shields in hand, and the DPS team hitting the monster from behind.

And, of course, Bloom's main annoying attacks amidst their ranks.

It didn't take long for them to fall, which made everyone feel some accomplishment. This was a stressful fight, but they realized how different it was from last time.

This time they did better, held their own, and were far organized. At least they didn't panic, like last time, when monsters all abandoned them and ran towards their rear players.

Bloom had lost a lot of Stm, but he didn't stop to rest, as he started to gather materials. This time, he decided to keep all the materials inside his inventory, after agreeing with everyone, and redistribute all the materials at the end of the dungeon.

They all rested, to regenerate their lost Stm, while watching in envy and disturbed emotions, ranging between affection to pure hatred, Bloom while working in extracting the materials.

"Here," Brendy said, as he, in a careless move, threw the Hp potion, like it was nothing, towards Bloom, who just glanced at it, before he simply grabbed the potion.

This was a risky move from Brendy, and Bloom was tempted to let it fall and get smashed, so he would get an excuse to teach this bastard a lesson, however he refrained from doing it.

He didn't want to stir trouble here, not yet.

As he returned to work on the materials, he noticed the others were speaking, in a hush hush tone, with Brendy. He didn't need to hear them to understand what they were doing, blaming him, and they might have also reprimanded him, heavily, for his own sake.

'It seems I didn't need to lose one bottle after all,' he muttered, as he continued, in complete silence, collecting materials. This silent side debate didn't last for long, but from the angry faces of everyone, Bloom knew that they couldn't convince Brendy with his wrong deeds.

For him, he didn't care about that assassin, despite being a professional one, but his personality doomed him, to be destined to never rise.

"Let's go," Gored said, the moment Bloom finished gathering the materials. Per his order, Brendy moved into the shadows, disappearing there.