NPC Nemesis Title

"Hello esteemed elder," Bloom was surprised, but he wasn't afraid or frozen from this elder's strength. For the current stream of players, this elder might be mighty, but for him, he knew this elder was level fifty top, nothing to put in his eyes, regarding his former power.

"Hello player, are you the one you received my quest?" the skeletons spoke, with clicking sound caused by the hitting of his jaw bones.

"Yes, esteemed elder, my name is Bloom."

"I don't like you," the elder said out loud, and Bloom wasn't surprised by this sincerity, "but as you accepted my quest, I'm obliged to tell you the details, but I hope you would fail," the elder added, with his sharp tongue.

Bloom just smirked, inwardly, as he knew that NPC wouldn't be able to touch a single hair of him once he accepted the quest, game rules.

"Please, esteemed elder, tell me the details of the quest," Bloom said, with an irritating, intentional smile on his face.

"Curse you player, it's your fortune to have the quest for now, but make sure when you lose it, and you will, I will come to look for you and make you regret being here."

Bloom knew this NPC wasn't bluffing, as there was another cruel punishment to players other than the docile killing, the prison.

But even though he wasn't fazed, as he intended to find a way and screw that quest, with that arrogant NPC along with it! all he lacked was the info of the quest, then he could find the weakness to destroy it.

If he was dealing with a quest like his own, where he requested someone to be killed, he could screw the quest easily by allying with the NPC needed to be killed, and come with him to kill this NPC here.

He knew many quests had some weaknesses, but as players always tended to fulfill them, no one had ever noticed such flaws!

"The quest is like this, a relic was stolen from our main shrine, a very important relic. The one who stole it intends to do bad things with it. your quest is to search for him, kill him, retrieve the relic, and come back to me and deliver it. done? Go away now from my sight!"

Bloom totally ignored him, as he knew finally what this quest was about. "What about any clues? Map? Direction to find the relic? Where is this shrine of yours by the way? Never heard of it!" he threw a barrage of questions in front of his face, knowing that he was hiding some extra information here.

"The shrine is in a secret place no one will ever find!" the elder stated this at first, "As for the directions for that relic, are you sure you will be alive to reach there? c'mon, die twice already and let me come to vent my hatred!"

"How can you say that and someone had already found your shrine and stole your relic? And here you are, just stuck here, waiting for players to come and aid you! Such a pathetic NPC!"

Bloom's tongue wasn't cute for him anymore, as he already got what he needed from him. The face of that NPC twitched, as he was literally going on fire from rage.

"Just give me the map or that clue, so I can help you, pathetic skeleton."

"One more word and I will kill you!" the NPC threatened.

"Nah," Bloom confidently said, as he knew what it felt like to be tied to the games' rules, "you can't break your own code of honor, or you will die," he added, stating the obvious, for him at least.

"How do you know that?!!" The shock was apparent on the elder's face, but Bloom didn't care about that, nor he answered his question. "Just hurry up and give me the clue already," he requested.

"Here, this is a compass that will always point towards the direction of the relic. When you get it, it will point out to me," he said while throwing it towards Bloom, who caught it, turned at once and left the place.

He now had what he wanted, the quest wasn't that hard to crack. He just needed to level up to the limit where facing these two NPCs wouldn't be a life threatening problem for him.

The plan was set in his mind. He didn't need to go all the way to be level fifty, as he knew the quest was completed by Derick while he was at level fifteen. That meant there was something missing he didn't get yet.

"The sword!"

He slapped his own forehead, as he didn't get the sword. Before he could go back and reprimand that lousy noisy NPC, he recalled the system prompt he had while speaking with him. so, he hurriedly opened it, to find a surprise waiting for him.

"System alert: Player has accepted the quest from the esteemed elder. Player has one month to finish the quest. Failing the quest will deprive the player from the off rewards he will currently have, plus losing two levels."

"System alert: Player has received the twin gold sword as an off reward to the quest. The rewards are inside the player's inventory."

"System alert: player has a new title as an off reward given to him. Please check the character profile for more details."

They weren't just one alert but three! One was related to the quest, including the penalty for failing, while the other two were related to the two rewards he had gotten.

Derick never mentioned the second reward ever before, which drove an evil smile over Bloom's face. "That's what you get when messing up with people! Karma will turn around and kick you," he muttered, while opening his character profile, finding the title tile added there.

"NPC nemesis Title: any NPC you draw your sword on his face will have his level and stats reduced to be one level lower than you."

"What the hell!"

He blurted out in surprise the moment he read the details of his title. That was simply an op title, designed specifically for players to kill NPCs. "What's going on here? why would the game developers put such an adversary thing in the hands of the players?" he muttered, questioning the ulterior motives of the game designers.

If it was his failed game, he wouldn't care about this, as he knew how messy its developers were. But this was Eternal Glory, the game where everything was calculated perfectly.

"Did they assume all the players would seek to fulfill the quest?"

He thought to myself while he was walking, away from the mountain place, heading towards the place where he left Peri and others. Away from the main quests in the game, he had absolutely no grudge against the players.