The Boss Monster's Supreme Skill is A Mirroring Skill!

She put the shield between herself and him, so any attack wouldn't work properly on her. It was extremely hard dealing with such a smart monster, and the moment she broke free from his sword reach, she started to speak again.

"You fools don't know how to appreciate beauty!"

A wave of invisible wind erupted, hitting every single one of them. Bloom felt some fatigue in his body, but he soon shook off his head, putting his mind on the right track again. He would never feel fatigue here, with his high stamina which was slightly over half of its value!

This was an effect of a skill she used, and the next moment she went forward, evading facing him, as she decided to attack the other members of his team with her hand like claw.

Bloom had no other choice but to act as a tank here, as other members of his team were now under the effect of her skill.

Her speed was way higher than his running speed, so she managed to reach the first shield bearer as she waved her hand, falling over the face of that player, with a horrifying number of damage appearing above his head.


One hit, instant kill, that was crazy! Bloom was just a few meters away when she turned to face another player. He knew if he waited to reach her, she would manage to deal a deadly blow to Gored, so he was forced to use his trump card skill.



A clash appeared, with its sound resounding in the whole hall. Bloom managed to stop the monster, but he knew he was now in grave danger, amidst a complicated situation.

He could retreat, easily evading her falling hand over his face, but if he did so, that hand would turn and cut Gored into pieces! Losing one more shield bearer would render this fight hopeless, so he had to adapt, not retreating, instead advancing.



His sword hit the shield again, but he managed to turn slightly around her, while hitting her with his second sword, while her hand turned, midair, to target him again.







He had already turned to stand in between her and Gored. At this moment, he suddenly turned around himself, bending his left knee, then hitting Gored's body hard enough to make him fly backward, causing minor damage to him, releasing him from the skill.


"ground breaker!"

He didn't stop there, as he finally was in position to use his only defensive skill, in the last second, to make his sword magically appear behind his back, blocking the incoming attack of her.

'Please don't insta kill me!' he prayed.



two damaged appeared, as his body turned to face her. She was now not in the position to defend, with her hand holding the shield behind her body. Bloom didn't waste this rare chance, as he hurriedly shouted:


This time they were near another wall, luckily, and his skill carried the body of her towards the wall.



The moment it did, he let go of the sword, sheathed the other at the same time, while taking out his Hp potion, and gulped it hurriedly in his mouth. Then he grabbed the sword, penetrated her shoulder, unsheathed the other while using his barrage of skills.

"Attack her now!" he shouted while hacking her beautiful body with his two swords. While others woke up from their daze, joined in attacking her, he did the most essential thing he needed to do.

"Give me this damn shield!"

He violently grabbed the shield from her hand, tossed it backward towards the last person in the team, Peri!

"Keep it safe with you!" he shouted to her, while returning to continue attacking in the last two seconds remaining of his skill. as she lost her annoying shield, he was now more comfortable in fighting her, as once she regained her freedom, started to run again, he used his slice skill, followed with another dash, pinning her towards the nearby wall!

This kept going for five more times, taking out three thousands more Hp. At this moment, when her Hp decreased more than her half, she suddenly had a strange fog covering her, while a long spear appeared out of nowhere, which she used to deflect the dash skill of Bloom, finally escaping his trapping.


She didn't wait for a moment for him to stabilize himself, as she ran for the centre of the hall, away from any annoying walls.

"Pathetic ants! Now you will see the true terror of fighting me," she bellowed out, with much hatred and anger, while the faint bluish fog around her got thicker and thicker. "Arise, my mighty warriors!"

"It's her supreme skill, be ready," Bloom shouted, as he didn't imagine the rule of Hp also applied to her! He cursed his previous life players who kept this info hidden from others!

Just as he shouted that, the fog started to move away from the body of her, forming eight humanoid shapes of fog. Each shape had a weapon similar to one of them, which made Bloom understand the extent of her skill!

"It's a mirror skill! she can use such high skill!"

Mirror skill was considered one of the high end skills in this game, where the player can form an equal shape of any player or a monster, with all the stats of the player and gears being replicated.

'Damn! They aren't ready yet to fight such a high end skill!' he cursed in his mind for the cruelty of this game developers.

"Listen up, never fight your own clone, fight another one," he said, as he went ahead towards the side, watching these fog clones keenly, searching for one particular clone.

His own!

He knew any clone was easy to defeat, but not his own. He finally spotted it, as it was heading straight towards him.

"Gimmy, hit that one with two swords with your AOE skill when I say so," he shouted as he waited, patiently, for the moment when his clone was near him. just as he was waiting for it, the clone suddenly darted towards him with extreme speed.

'Curse it! it's using my dash skill on me!' he cursed inwardly, hurriedly muttering:


He pointed his sword towards a nearby clone, Gimmy's clone, which was ready to use its AOE skill.


He didn't wait for the skill to hit the clone, as he gave Gimmy the order to act. The AOE skill of Gimmy fell over the area he was standing at, hitting both Bloom's clone, and his.


The skill alone was enough to clear the Hp of that clone, but strangely enough the clone didn't die, or vanish, instead it looked towards Bloom with what could be called a smirk on its face!

'They share her Hp!' he didn't have time to think, as he knew what was coming towards him.

"Ground breaker!"