Merging Skills

Bloom knew wearing the same parts of a set would give bonuses, and thirty percent might seem low, but it was a good bonus here.

The next step he did was to allocate his free points, now he had leveled up for three levels in one go, so he had nine points to allocate, plus the talent points and the skill points.

The first thing he did was to distribute his points one Vit and Str as four and five points accordingly. After his last battle with that mutated boss monster, he learnt his lesson well.

Having a strong attack didn't mean he was invincible! Anything could happen in this game, and not all things follow the logic of the game he knew of. He had to be prepared for the worst, not to die by two strikes only.

After doing that, he shifted his gaze towards the most important thing, skills. He had three skills, but during the last fight he had faced it hard there, with his small number of skills limiting his abilities.

He hadn't used the skills points so far, since leveling up from level zero to now, so he had eight Sp points now, and he could use them as much as he liked.

"Show the skill tree."

He ordered, as a large sheet appeared in front of his eyes. He had enough Sp points to learn at least three skills, and he needed some trump card skill, one that could make him be invincible.

The more he scanned, the more doubt he had. All the skills were awesome, but not to the degree that he anticipated. He knew the value of a movable skill, and so he limited his search for this type of skills.

The first skill he noted was the sky piercer skill. That skill enabled him to jump three meters in the air while attacking his opponent, adding more to his sword momentum, causing more damage.

The thing that caught his attention about this showy skill was the two nodes related to the skill. The first node was connected to the ground breaker skill, and the second node was connected to the dash skill of his sword.

Despite having the skill from his weapon, he could perform it, and thus it was acknowledged by the game as his own, until he removed the sword or lost it.

These nodes had much significance to him, as they indicated the probability of merging the two skills, to form a brand new, much stronger one.

So, he could merge the three skills together to form a one skill, but he faced one problem here, as this whole merge would cost him five Sp points, and that in case he decided to attach it to his weapon.

If he wanted not to, then he had to learn dash skill first, and learning it would require three Sp points on its own.

So, to merge the three skills together he would lose seven Sp points, which would be a great risk to do now.

If he connected this new skill to his sword, then he must do it to one sword, and he had to keep this sword with him for a long time, not replacing or losing it.

This pair of swords were part of the quest he had, and he planned to do some unexpected performance in it, but now he had to tune it more, so he wouldn't lose these two swords.

He had to admit, the presence of the two dash skills here had greatly helped him in his past battles, and he was sure they would help him more in the future.

So, keeping them rose as an alarm, as he had to keep them and at the same time he had to destroy this quest.

'Sigh, I have only one option here then,' he muttered, as he knew this would require the help from a certain NPC.

The other skill that attracted his attention was the hawk skill. This skill enabled him to jump two times in a row, changing his place, with the change of the trajectory of the sword.

The beauty of this skill was that it could merge with the three from before, forming a much complex and advanced skill, but again the problem lied in the cost of merging.

To learn the skill he needed two Sp points, then if he would merge it with his other normal skills then he would need another two Sp points. If he needed to merge it with the newly generated skill, he would need three more Sp points.

'Let's learn these two, and leave the merging to later,' he thought to himself, as he was confident in his rapid rise in levels in the next days to come.

Waiting for days wasn't an issue for him, so he selected to learn the two skills, one after another.

"Sky piercer skill: Movable skill. It enables the player to jump up to three meters in the air, adding more momentum to his attack. Str +one hundred percent plus the momentum effect. Cooldown: five seconds."

"System alert: Sky piercer skill can be merged with Dash skill of your sword, however the new skill will have to be linked with the sword. The cost of the merging is one Sp point. Do you want to do the merge?"

"System alert: Sky piercer skill can be merged with ground breaker skill. The cost of the merging is one Sp point. Do you want to do the merge?"

"Merge it with dash skill," Bloom softly murmured, as he just lost two Sp points to learn this skill.

"System alert: Merging is completed successfully. The new skill is the dash piercer skill. the skill is attached to one sword. You can view the skill in the sword info."

"System alert: Dash piercer skill can be merged with ground breaker skill, however the new skill will be attached to the same sword which has the dash piercer skill. The cost of the merge is one Sp point. Do you want to do the merge?"

"Merge," he muttered as he greatly anticipated the newly learnt skill.

"System alert: Merging is completed successfully. The new skill is the breaker piercer skill. the skill is attached to one sword. You can view the skill in the sword info."