A Hard Fight with NPCs

A scary figure appeared on top of his head, with slight dizziness that made him see the world blurry. It was such a mighty skill indeed, as even with using his darkness absorption skill, reducing the damage to half, he had lost four thousand Hp nonetheless.

Scary cavalry!

"System alert: Player has used darkness absorption skill. Tempest of lightning sword skill is stored, ready to be used for twenty four hours. Remaining free spots for skill absorption are two."

He had the skill, but he had no time to explore it or see its details at least, as the other NPCs were moving fast, with their swords aiming for him.

"I have to get out of here," he muttered, gritting his teeth to make clear of the target he had in mind.

"Dash piercer!"

He selected this nasty cavalry! He wouldn't risk getting hit again with such a strong skill, or any other one. The next moment, his body was forced by the system to fly in the air for three meters, and this time he wasn't seeing things clearly.