Killing Everyone

Panty had replenished his Hp to eighty percent using the village special Hp potion, however Bloom didn't let him be happy with this, as he used his own barrage of attacks to make sure Panty would never be able to use this potion here anymore.

"… Stab, slice, stab, stab, stab…"

His own skills continued even when Panty fell to the ground dead. He was frustrated by this arrogant bastard, feeling more frustration knowing that he would need to face the same hurdle when going to topple with Panty's quest.

As Panty fell to the ground, Bloom fetched the items that he lost. Players killed on his hands up till now were all poor, with not much items in their inventory to lose.

But this one; this was a fat sheep for him! He took the two potions fell from Panty, knowing they would be one of the finest of their kind.

And then he turned to face the three butlers, and the rest of the players.

"Mate, we are just hired to guard him, no personal grudge here."