
The war on forums was much more intense than Bloom imagined. Every second new posts would be added, and endless comments appeared on the old ones.

"This is… a mess!" he muttered to himself.

"What should we do now?" Jeffrey suddenly asked, as he seemed fired up with all this, "should we level up again? These guys gained an easy level without doing anything!"

"You also didn't do anything, and they lost a level just hours ago," Nara seemed in a good mood as she teased him.

Bloom thought of staying here and leveled up. He glanced at the distance where the monsters were in smaller numbers. "We should go there and level up," he said to himself, yet he was doomed to be delayed!

"System alert! System alert! System alert! System alert!..."

Suddenly the system of the game went berserk! Bloom hurried to put his hands on his ears in a strange way. "What's wrong?" Nara asked.

"The system is sending me constant annoying alerts," he complained.