Dungeon Steal

He knew he could rival that Panty and the one standing behind him in the shadows with his wealth; yet he didn't even consider that!

"These money are investments, I can't just simply throw them away like this! I must spend them on nourishing players, not to reward them in a needless foolish quarrel!"

His mind was much mature than the rest of his enemies. So, he walked past everyone, without the fear or worry of these eyes glaring at him.

"Any news for me?" he sent this to his spy in Panty's team.

"Panty has his eyes on me, sigh," and the next moment she sent back these words, which made Bloom laugh. "You have such irresistible beauty, you know."

"Master, I only belong to you," she sent, and it seemed being away from him gave her some courage to speak like this.

"Sure, I won't allow anyone to touch you except for me," he sent with such honesty. She was one of his girls, and he would never let anyone touch them.

They were all his!