The Quest Is Getting Harder

As the NPC warned, the moment he stepped into the next forest, the number of monsters in each group increased from three to ten. It wasn't also rare to have more than one group attacking him.

But the simple fact of their weakness against his team's attacks was still present. "I don't know how you do it, but these monsters shouldn't be that fragile!"

The NPC was speechless at how efficiently Bloom and his team cleared the monsters. "Their defenses are so weak, that's all," Bloom shrugged while watching his dolls collecting the black sand from the ground after killing two groups of monsters. "Still no gears," he sighed as after killing all these numbers of monsters he only gained the auction points and one more level.

His girls gained more than one level, but not monstrous like before. The luckiest one had three levels so far, making the weakest one was level twenty three and the highest at twenty seven.