More Tactics in the Dungeon Heist

They didn't take much time and effort from Bloom to kill. When they used special skills like stun and some delusional skills, his clones were there to do the job for him until the effect of the skills wore off.

After he finished, he had over half of his Hp intact and three Hp potions consumed. But he wasn't dejected by that, as he gained much more from the fallen players.

It seemed all of them had their inventories full of potions before coming here. Such a small detail told him how much they were experienced in PvP than him.

'Wow, we killed them!' Nara sent in the team chat before adding, 'What should we do now?'

"Come and clear all these monsters," Bloom shouted from the hall while he started attacking monsters with the aid of his clones.

The next few minutes all the surviving monsters were cleaned by the team while losing ten players in the process.