How To Become A Dark Player?

'Do you have a way to crack this nightmare?'

Antoan suddenly sent to him all of sudden while he was contemplating what to do. "Sigh, the way I have isn't suitable for anyone," he muttered before thinking about something.

'I have a bow that can help but it can't be used except by a dark player.'

'We have no dark players here,' Antoan said, 'besides I dunno how to be a dark player.'

"How to become a dark player?" Bloom muttered while the words Antoan casually threw just now had enlightened his master's mind with a brilliant idea.

'Just wait there I'll try to find a way for you all to become a dark player.'

Bloom hurriedly scanned his memory about anything related to dark players, but he couldn't. "All I know is just info from the Titan Revolut game not from here," he bitterly smiled.

The way used back at his past game was so simple, kill a player and you would turn into a dark player if not cleared this red status for the entire game day.