Going After Gerard

She didn't speak and he just imagined her face at the moment and couldn't help for a smile to appear over his face.

'You shouldn't let me feel that pain,' she sent blaming him, 'you should… have inclined to me even with hints.'

'Too dangerous,' he simply said, 'besides I keep an eye on you since then, right?'

'The mysterious Henry,' she sent while he couldn't hear her laughs anymore as he already left her far behind. 'Thanks…'

She only sent that but he wasn't satisfied. 'Don't tell anyone, not even those whom you trust in your life.'

'Even Jeffrey?'

'Even Peri,' he sent before adding, 'there are many complicated things you don't know about.'

'Tell me then.'

'Not now… I'm busy.'

'I can see that,' she sent and he was sure her pure laugh was now ringing across the street.

'You need to fake it well,' he warned again, 'nothing should change… your agony… your pain… all must be the same.'