Monster Tide

"You need to work harder to beat me," Bloom laughed while glancing around, "clear the loot and let's go to another group."

Antoan moved his gaze around while muttering, "We lost almost one third of our team… this is much higher than what I expected."

"At least those living gained two levels so far," Bloom said.

"But one third lost a level," Antoan sighed, "if this continued, then a gap would erupt between the team."

"Any ideas?" Bloom understood his meaning.

"We need to let those recently dying to stay at the back at the next raid," Atnoan thought before adding, "this way we can stabilize things here."

"Y'know not all of them will continue in our group in the future," Bloom calmly said while not expressing his decision about Antoan's suggestion.

"I hope they do," Antoan honestly said, "after all I trust them the most."

"My dear butler… in the future we will have more players to play with."