Breaking Into The Maze

"Let's try this plan then," Bloom said while letting Antoan lead them through the maze.

"Didn't you say you memorized it?"

In less than ten minutes, Antoan led them into a dead end, triggering the monsters around and they had to run for their lives once again.

"I didn't forget anything," Antoan argued, "I cracked it and memorized the right path for hours!"

"Then what?!"

Bloom shouted while running fast with who remained of his team towards the nearby exit.

"I dunno," Antoan honestly said.

"Something is suspicious here," Bloom stayed with hands behind his back while watching this maze in front of him. "Should we walk over the walls then?" he turned towards the walls as he thought.

The maze was made out of deep grooves and they were trying one of these grooves so far with no success.