Who Is This Mysterious Friend?

The mayor didn't have this ability, but it was the butler. And that butler just realized Bloom had used a way to block his ability and just alarmed the mayor.

"Too heat for me," he sighed while watching the mayor excuse himself from his company and started to walk directly towards him with his butler. "If you want war, then war is what I'll gladly give you."

And he kept a mocking expression over his face, like he was saying to the mayor: "C'mon… bring it on… I'm not afraid of you."

"Welcome to my humble party," the mayor stood in front of Bloom who stood to salute him and be ready to block any attack coming from him or his butler.

"Thanks, it's my honor to be here," Bloom simply answered.

"I was busy all night with my guests, so I hope you can understand."

"It's alright."

"May I ask about your name please?" the mayor said before his eyes turned slightly colder, "and I'm curious how you got my invitation?"