Take Me With You

"What for?" she asked in a playful way.

"For this of course," he said, while hiding his real intentions.

"This little one here would only be opened by one of these stones of mine," she said before adding, "they are expensive."

"You said they can be acquired easily in this world."

"I did, but that doesn't mean it's a normal cabbage."

"C'mon, I need only a few of them."

"Planning for more raids?" she asked with anticipation, "I'd love to attend one of these with you."

"Can't agree to that," he said while feeling grateful she provided him with a suitable lie to use, "give me some, I have a bunch of traitors waiting to be slaughtered."

"On one little condition."

"I'll take you out to dinner."

"How come this is in my favor and not yours?" she strangely said with a chuckle, "no, I meant something else."


"The fort that bastard mentioned… I wanna attend this war."