Taking An Oath

If he knew himself and his abilities best, then he knew for sure he didn't push his enemies hard enough to make them desperate.

They were just feigning their desperation in such an attack to make him distracted.

"And getting to the room from the mansion is literally impossible," he said to himself while trying to unveil the mystery here. "So it's either from the sky or… the ground."

He moved his eyes fast all over the sky and couldn't see anything clearly in the middle of the night. However he was pretty sure to feel or hear anything flying in the air, especially if they were flying near the mansion to crash into it.

That left him with only a viable conclusion… the ground.

"So you brought something to dig the ground… How can I even compete with that?" he couldn't help but sigh. He knew that getting Nara and Peri out of the room safely wasn't an issue.